Microwave recipes

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Assistant Cook
Oct 5, 2012
What do you think about MICROWAVE OVEN ?and what meals that you always u doing it in microwave?

That's my pasta I had cook in my microwave ~


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Reheating a quick bowl of something is ok. Actually cooking? I thought that had died away like the dinosuars. I've never heard anyone say they like food cooked in the microwave. Proof is in the fact that you do not see any trends in professional chefs to open places based on microwave cooking, IMO.
What do you think about MICROWAVE OVEN ?and what meals that you always u doing it in microwave?

That's my pasta I had cook in my microwave ~

Welcome to DC. That's pretty amazing, to me. Back in the day, I made everything from shrimp scampi to lasagna (using cooked noodles); but never made a big bowl of pasta. I have a built-in & wouldn't mind learning some new tricks for Summer pasta salads. Will you share your method/recipe?
The 1-2-3 cakes are pretty good. There is a thread somewhere around here about that.

I used to cook meals with a stackable set from Tupperware years ago. I even have a cook book that came with it. It was kind of fun, but the results were just ok. I was a young busy wife and mother, and it was a quick way to have a meal on the table. Then the microwave broke and I went for about 12 years without one. Now I have had one again for quite some time, but I don't cook full meals in it anymore.
Oh, I thought of one thing I always make in the microwave.

Microwave Carmel Corn

6-8 cups popped corn
1 stick butter or margarine (melted)
1cup brown sugar
1/4 cup light Karo syrup
1/2 teaspoon salt

Put all but the popped corn in a 2 quart glass bowl. Bring to boil in microwave. Boil for 3 minutes.
Remove and stir in 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda (let the kids watch-it's kinda cool, but watch out-it's really hot!)
Pour over popcorn in a paper bag sprayed with Pam.
Put the bag in the microwave and cook on high for one minute. Take out and shake!
Put it back in for another minute on high. Take out and shake again.
Now do the same thing again, but cooking for only 30 seconds this time and shake again. Repeat the 30 seconds one time.
Spread it out on a cookie sheet and let cool.
SO good!
Great idea. I bet it would!
I don't try to make granola very often. I burn it too often. Same reason I don't often make cookies. But for cookies, Stirling is willing to watch them once they are in the oven. :)

That's why I really like the idea of making granola in the microwave.
I don't really cook anything in the microwave except the occasional poached egg or a squash (to then use in another dish).

It gets used mostly to heat water for tea or to heat-up left overs. ;)
The only thing I can think of that I actually cook in the microwave is potatoes, white, red, yellow or sweet. It's not perfect, but quick. Only one rule is to turn them over half way through, for even cooking.
I'm even lazier, Taxy. I mix up instant pudding and put it in the fridge.

When you can do something two ways with equal results, it's not lazy to use the method that requires less work. It's common sense.

In fact, it might be a better method using the microwave, since the milk never scorches.
I frequently make rice in the microwave. It comes out perfect every time, and since the microwave turns itself off when it's done, the rice is never overcooked or scorched.

1 cup rice
2 cups water or chicken stock
1 tbsp. butter or vegetable oil
S&P to taste
other seasonings to taste - I sometimes add herbs and/or spices that I've used in the main dish

Place all ingredients in a 1-quart microwave-safe container with a lid. Cover partially and cook on high for seven minutes. Stir (this is an important step) and cook on high for eight minutes. Let stand five minutes, then fluff with a fork and serve.
I do frozen veggies in the microwave all the time.

Quick and easy.

Sometimes I use it to reheat leftovers.

And it's main use is to reheat my java. I truly believe that's why God made them.
Oh the walk down memory lane of my very first Microwave Oven!

My young husband came home with it from his Union meeting. His Union Local had voted him the most valuable new electrical apprentice of 1969 and had given him this very valuable reward! I was so very proud of him and was over the moon with excitement as nobody I knew had one yet. I invited friends and neighbors in to demonstrate heating up cups of coffee and removing them with my bare hands. It was a magic show I tell ya! Later on, there were cooking classes of how to cook whole meals and the feeding frenzy was on! Trust me, coating a whole chicken with Gravy Mate doesn't do much for a Microwave roasted chicken. :ohmy:
Many Microwave ovens later, I've come full circle to just heating up coffee and melting butter. :)
Oh the walk down memory lane of my very first Microwave Oven!

My young husband came home with it from his Union meeting. His Union Local had voted him the most valuable new electrical apprentice of 1969 and had given him this very valuable reward! I was so very proud of him and was over the moon with excitement as nobody I knew had one yet. I invited friends and neighbors in to demonstrate heating up cups of coffee and removing them with my bare hands. It was a magic show I tell ya! Later on, there were cooking classes of how to cook whole meals and the feeding frenzy was on! Trust me, coating a whole chicken with Gravy Mate doesn't do much for a Microwave roasted chicken. :ohmy:
Many Microwave ovens later, I've come full circle to just heating up coffee and melting butter. :)

No popcorn or Stovetop Stuffing!?! I'm shocked.
GotGarlic said:
I frequently make rice in the microwave. It comes out perfect every time, and since the microwave turns itself off when it's done, the rice is never overcooked or scorched.

1 cup rice
2 cups water or chicken stock
1 tbsp. butter or vegetable oil
S&P to taste
other seasonings to taste - I sometimes add herbs and/or spices that I've used in the main dish

Place all ingredients in a 1-quart microwave-safe container with a lid. Cover partially and cook on high for seven minutes. Stir (this is an important step) and cook on high for eight minutes. Let stand five minutes, then fluff with a fork and serve.

Must try this as I tend to burn my rice on the bottom
I also started melting chocolate in the microwave. It actually is very easy and same result as double boiler but quicker and less dishes

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