Monday, 5/2/2011, What's making it's way to the table?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
I have planned homemade wonton soup. I have never made homemade wonton soup so wish me luck. Also beef and broccoli and fried rice will accompany the soup.

Any plans?
Lima bean/split pea soup, and beef stew with corncakes. (Jiffy mix batter fried like pancakes.)
Hopefully Wayside Chicken. I'm heading to Charlottesville for the end of the year band concert and hope to have supper with my baby boy at his favorite place there.
Poppy seed chicken, corn on cob, and broccoli. The wonton soup sounds yummy!! Good luck.
Thank you JCT

What recipe are you using for the poppy seed chicken? Mama's recipe is great! I made it on friday.
pizza @ my ex's place. & i think i'll get a meatball sammich till then as he & i won't get dinner until late in the evening.
My plans have changed. Hub wants to order a pepperoni pizza for a late lunch. My girl has to go and get her braces tightened and she will be in pain after so he wants to eat when she gets home from school and before the appointment. (Soup is soft and I was planning on cooking her food softer but.......... nuff said. So now my pill schedule is off whack) Which means a light dinner. The pork is still frozen so it is back in the fridge to thaw and I will make wontons tomorrow. And I have to rearrange my menu plans for the next 2 days. GRRRRRRRRRRRR
First off grapes rolled in blu cheese then in toasted walnuts that you mix with heavy cream, bbq'd ribs, spinach and strawberry salad and and roasted asparagus with parm curls on top.
It's miserable here. Cold and rainy. It's been raining at least 2+ inches per day for days.

I put the ham hock and leftover ham from Easter in a pot with lots of onions, bay leaves, garlic, water and loads off split peas. Will let it simmer all afternoon for soup. It's REALLY a soup kind of day.
Lakers basketball and asada tacos tonight at Park Drive Bar & Grill. I have plenty of leftovers from last night's skirt steak cook. They will be diced and re-grilled for tacos. Beverage of choice tonight will be Modelo Negro.
I thought we were going out for dinner but it looks like that has fallen through, so I'm not sure. Beautiful day for grilling maybe...
I'm making a romaine strawberry salad with sesame seed dressing, parmigiana polenta with spicy Italian sausage sauce, Boudin's sourdough garlic toast, and a 2009 Duca di Cardino Chianti
Thank you JCT

What recipe are you using for the poppy seed chicken? Mama's recipe is great! I made it on friday.

It's the one with cooked chicken, sour cream, cream of chicken, ritz crackers, topped with poppy seeds. I grilled my chicken on the panini grill and it was pretty tasty. I'll post the recipe in a few.
It's the one with cooked chicken, sour cream, cream of chicken, ritz crackers, topped with poppy seeds. I grilled my chicken on the panini grill and it was pretty tasty. I'll post the recipe in a few.
Thats the one I made with the rice on the bottom layer, chicken mushrooms layer then sauce layer then topped with ritz. YUMMY
Today I'm making picata with mushroom sauce and rice. My kids also want mashed potatoes instead of rice so I am still not sure if I am going to make rice or mashed potatoes with the picata.
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