Msmofet's Beef Braciole

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Msmofet's Beef Braciole

Makes 4 Braciole

  • 4 Thin sliced beef top round steak for Braciole (2 packages with 2 steaks in each)
Filling Ingredients:

These measurements can be adjusted to your taste.

  • 6 cloves Fresh garlic or to taste - minced fine or grated
  • 1/4 cup Onion - minced fine
  • 1/4 cup Fresh basil - chopped fine
  • 1/4 tsp Fresh oregano - chopped fine
  • 1/4 cup Fresh parsley - chopped fine
  • 1/4 cup Fresh grated Romano cheese
  • 1/4 cup Fresh grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1.5 cup Bread crumbs
  • Ground hot red pepper flakes - to taste
  • Ground Sea Salt - to taste
  • Ground peppercorns - to taste
  • Choice of oil (Extra Virgin Olive oil, Canola oil, Grapeseed oil or combo)
Tying and Frying:

  • Butchers twine
  • Choice of Oil for frying
  1. In bowl mix all above filling ingredients EXCEPT oil; mix well.
  2. Add just enough oil to hold filling together.
  3. Taste and adjust seasoning if needed.
  4. Place steaks slice on board and cover with wax paper.
  5. Pound with flat side of mallet thinned down to about 1/8 inch, making sure not to tear.
  6. Spread 1/4 of the filling on 3/4 of the steak closest to you.
  7. Roll steak jelly roll style to the end.
  8. Secure the roll with butchers twine about 1 inch apart till you reach the end.
  9. In heavy frying pan heat thin coating of oil.
  10. Brown rolls on all sides.
  11. Remove and drain.
  12. Simmer in Tomato Sauce (preferably homemade) for about 1 1/2 hours or until tender.

Braciole Pictures/Tutorial

Beef top round for Braciole


Pound thin with flat side of mallet or bottom heavy frying pan


Spread with 1/4 of the filling


Roll jelly roll style


Tie roll with an anchor 1/2 loop


Secure with twine every inch (I did butcher’s knots) to end of the roll




Continued Below

After tying every inch to the end of roll wrap twine around the whole length from end to end and secure with a knot (to hold the roll tight and keep filling in)



Brown rolls in pan then drain


Simmer in sauce

Msmofet they look wonderful, I love braciole and yours is the way I make mine. I haven't made it in such along time, but i'm thinking about a big pot of Sunday Gravy... I dated a boy in high school (an Italian boy) and his Mom was from Sicily, she made braciole every sunday and put a hard boiled egg in along with her stuffing mix... It was good but she was the only one I ever knew who did it that way... :):):)
Msmofet they look wonderful, I love braciole and yours is the way I make mine. I haven't made it in such along time, but i'm thinking about a big pot of Sunday Gravy... I dated a boy in high school (an Italian boy) and his Mom was from Sicily, she made braciole every sunday and put a hard boiled egg in along with her stuffing mix... It was good but she was the only one I ever knew who did it that way... :):):)
Thank you Mimi. I don't put hard boiled egg in my braciole and have never seen that before. I DO put hard boiled egg in my lasagna layers though.
Msmofet they look wonderful, I love braciole and yours is the way I make mine. I haven't made it in such along time, but i'm thinking about a big pot of Sunday Gravy... I dated a boy in high school (an Italian boy) and his Mom was from Sicily, she made braciole every sunday and put a hard boiled egg in along with her stuffing mix... It was good but she was the only one I ever knew who did it that way... :):):)

I ordered it in a restaurant once and it had hard boiled egg in it and I did not like it at all. I am Italian and my family is Neapolitan so I guess that is a Sicilian thing.
I ordered it in a restaurant once and it had hard boiled egg in it and I did not like it at all. I am Italian and my family is Neapolitan so I guess that is a Sicilian thing.
My family is from Naples also so I guess you are right about it may be a Sicilian thing.
I made some Braciole for dinner on Saturday!

I used a flank steak pounded out @ 1/8 and just used what I had on-hand for the stuffing: sauteed onion and garlic in some olive oil till soft and mixed that with bread crumbs, fresh basil, Kraft Italian cheese blend, grated Parmesan cheese, diced plumb tomatoes, and salt and pepper. Oh and I'll admit it, canned tomato sauce, but it was name brand. :)
Frank you must try making braciole it's wonderful!!! When my children lived at home I always made a Sunday Gravy with meatballs, sausage, pork ribs, and braciole, the kids devoured it all week long... I miss that tradition now that the buggers are grown and in different states :cry:... But this weekend is the weekend for a big pot of this sauce, some great Chianti, and even better friends... :):):)
Once a year my mom would make homemade raviolis with sweet filling (she added sugar to the cheese mixture) and meatballs with raisins and pine nuts in them. My grandpa had to have that meal once a year so my mom carried on the tradition. For the record I hated it!!

Msmofet the raisins and pinenuts are a Sicilian thing also... ;):)
Msmofet the raisins and pinenuts are a Sicilian thing also... ;):)
Yes I know. My grandfather had eaten this at a friends house and liked it so he would have my grandmother make it once a year. Thats the story I heard. And my mother made it once a year usually around the anniversary of her moms passing.
Thank you so much for this recipe. I have never made this for two reasons. Until a few years ago I had never heard of it. And on the few occasions when I thought I would try to do one I could not figure out how to spell it! I am printing out this recipe.
Thank you so much for this recipe. I have never made this for two reasons. Until a few years ago I had never heard of it. And on the few occasions when I thought I would try to do one I could not figure out how to spell it! I am printing out this recipe.
Thank you, you're welcome and OMG I PMSL!! THANK YOU for the giggle!!

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