Mudbug's Hot Tub for Refined Ladies Who are Kind to Animals

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Hi everybody. I'm back from work and just dying to have those jets of water relieve every little pressure point.

I approve of the additional staff. Let's compliment them on their attentiveness and professionalism. I've been told that they have sisters who are expert manicurists and hair stylists.

CharlieD, you are welcome to join us, but you must remember to be kind to animals and never repeat anything you see or hear here.

Cannonballs are all well and good, Alix dear, but could you do them over in the pool, please? My nail polish is still drying.
mudbug said:
Run Out, that can also be translated as Real Fine.

You got that right, Bug! :LOL:

I've made us a whale for the hot tub, ladies.


  • party whale.jpg
    party whale.jpg
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Pepe... oh Pepe... could you bring me a double tall white iced mocha please?
That looks refreshing Constance! Pepe, I'd love a back rub and an orange polland spring sparkling water please.
Ohhhhh, June, how kind. Did you give the Krug for Pepe or Juan to chill? I missed hot tubbing all yesterday and sliding into the bubbles right now is just what I needed.:)
Anyone care for a "touch" of Italy?? Seeing poor Pepe being overworked, mio amico Fabio wants to render his service as well:cool:
I'm sure gald that men as a whole, don't feel the need to be so "pampered". We are men, were men in tights! Oh, wait a minute, that was a strange movie.:LOL: We're He-man Woman Haters to the core. Not like Pepe and crew. We chew on grasshoppers, and don't even wear socks.

Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
urmaniac, I am getting a tad bit peckish. I went to exercise and then hit the grocery store.

Jose, would you carry my bags in and put the food away, Pepe could I have a plate of urmaniac's Italian food, and Fabio, please rub my feet and shoulders after you bring me some tea. Thank you all.

...and boys, please hire more security. Goodweed of the North just snuck in.:glare: :)
Jan... sure you wouldn't rather have a flute of Krug? It's icy cold, and it goes great with a wedge of frosty watermelon! :D
Good morning ladies!
I brought some chocolate chip muffins hot from the oven
any one want one?
Might as well June. It's 5pm somewhere.:rolleyes: Geez, Pdswife, I'm going to have to roll out of here since I've eaten so well. PEPE, Muffin, NOW!

Sorry Pepe, I'm just tired. The champagne might be just the right tonic.:(
Lol.. it's still morning her Baked... maybe you'd like some spinach dip and French bread instead?

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