Mud's First Brined Bird - Progress Report

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Ooops! Haven't been around much today. Missed this one!

My chicken SUCKED. Thanks for asking though. I am sure things would have worked out much better if I hadn't run out of propane and not realized it until about 1/2 hour prior to dinner being served! The brick thing was an inspired idea. I had enough bricks to put all the way around the edges of the BBQ so it was completely enclosed and yet tall enough. I was so pleased with myself. BAH! So when I realized I still had a half raw birdie on my hands I brought it in and hacked it into pieces and fried it in my electric frying pan. Criminal way to treat a good chicken. It was edible, but that is all I will say for it. I will try again.
Yep. We salvaged what we could. My phrase is not printable but it something like...excrement with it.
Hi Alix

I'm trying to interpret your remarks, but what I'm reading "sounds" like you have recently discovered "firebricks" for your gas BBQ, and that these hold and transfer on heat so much better than the ancient and oh so inflammable lavarock...

You might want to kick it up another notch or three (my apologies to Emeril!) but going to the local "metals market" and purchasing the identical brick sized slices of half inch thick stainless steel, and note how long the 'que keeps throwing heat!

Much easier cleaning them periodically, no issues on sanitation, and some really profound heat differences for the amounts of propane expended. Spacing and contact between bricks to be watched as when you want to cook off indirect heat, they have to be more clearly separated from one side to the other than do the ceramic bricks...

Oh, yes...your BBQ will also weigh a TON, so be happy with its location when you change out and load up...
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