Muskogee adopted us!

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Master Chef
Apr 16, 2005
North Texas
This thing adopted us. It's waiting at the gate in the morning and in the evening. The dogs are barking and going completely wild and it just ruffles it's feathers and ignores them, lol


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yes, if you click on the first pic, it will get a little bigger. It has a face only it's momma would love,lol.
We've got some of them back on the home farm. Dad loves them.

Is (s)he wild, or a run-away from somewhere?
I live in an apt complex with a pond. For as long as anyone can remember there has been a father and son Mallard pair. Well, one day, the dad was gone. No one knows if he died, moved on, was attacked by an animal, etc...

I was walking Aspen when I saw an old man with a cardboard box looking out at the pond. Then I saw her, a young Muscovy female following the poor Mallard all over the place. He, at that time, wanted nothing to do with this strange looking thing. The old man felt sorry for the young Mallard and bought her for $10 from some guy. He didn't know realize they were 2 different species, he just thought they would get along. I thought that was one of the most thoughtful things anyone has done. He seemed so pleased that she took to him right away.

She is now a pretty, mature adult and they are the best of friends, he actually follows her around now.
Don't know if it is male or female. I have to look it up. It comes right up to us.
Someones stupid dogs were out, some that are ALWAYS out and almost got it. I was so mad!! It just stays in the back. It's wild and free, just gets fed, lol. I hope those dogs don't get it. I think I would shoot a dog and I LOVE dogs!!
:) If you don't already have one get a cheap plastic kiddy pool at Walmart or Kmart they run about $5.00 for your ducky to swim in.
:) If you don't already have one get a cheap plastic kiddy pool at Walmart or Kmart they run about $5.00 for your ducky to swim in.

He goes down the backyard to the lake:)
If it looks like he's having any trouble getting there, I sure will!! I didn't even think about he pool, thanks!!
Don't know if it is male or female. I have to look it up. It comes right up to us.
Someones stupid dogs were out, some that are ALWAYS out and almost got it. I was so mad!! It just stays in the back. It's wild and free, just gets fed, lol. I hope those dogs don't get it. I think I would shoot a dog and I LOVE dogs!!

It's a male, only males have the red skin on their faces. Well, I take that back, females have some but the males is all bumpy and ugly.

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