My getting-through-the-quakes-thread....

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Cheryl J

Chef Extraordinaire
Jun 4, 2012
LOL...just wanted to share some pics and experiences of a lovely week down in beautiful and CALM Valencia with my daughters, SILs, and grandsons. It was a great week! I got home Tuesday evening.

I LOVE Valencia....the community takes such care in carefully tending beautiful flowers on the street corners, and there are many nice pathways to walk and stroll carriages with little children.

It was Tyler's 9th birthday and both my daughters and all the cousins had a great time. We took them to MB2 in Sylmar to let them drive go-karts. They had a blast. The kids under 10 years old are carefully monitored on computer by the staff, they can't go over 20 mph.
Tyler's 9th birthday go-cart fun.jpg

Lots of fun on the beach. :LOL:
Happy little boys playing in the surf.jpg

Had a great lunch on a grassy area overlooking the beach near Santa Barbara. Padaro Beach Grill....I had the grilled red snapper tacos. :yum: Their website isn't the greatest, but here it is....Padaro Beach Grill
Kay......we drove right through your beautiful Santa Paula on the 126 freeway on the way to Santa Barbara....I waved hi to you and Steve! :LOL: Had 4 very active little boys in the van with us. LOL

Our lunch view from the Padaro Beach Grill, near Santa Barbara.jpg

My SIL Steven just got promoted to Captain at the L.A. County Fire Department, and that involves an hour commute from their home to a new fire department in Malibu. It's not a huge glamorous station overlooking the ocean by any means, but rather a smaller station tucked into the hills of Malibu. He loves it. When we went to visit him, the engineer took the boys on a little drive in the engine. They always love that!
Andrew going for a ride in the fire engine.jpg
Being in the hills, they get some beautiful visitors outside the back fence.
Pretty little doe at SIL Steven's work.jpg

Casey...this one is for you. :LOL: Daughter and I saw this Lamborghini SUV in front of the movie theater in Calabasas when we took the kids to see the new Lion King. Thought of you when I saw that beauty. I had never seen one before. LOL
Lamborghini SUV.jpg


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It looks like you had a wonderful trip with your family, Cheryl - like a big hug when you really needed it. I strolled through the slideshow of photos from the Padaro Beach Grill - what a cute little place! Nice views, too. I got a chuckle from their menu. Featured drink? "Bottled Beer" So generic. :LOL: I also liked the warning that your sweet potato fries are cooked in the same oil as onion rings - might have a faint flavor of onion. It's also nice that the kids' meals offer a salad option instead of fries.

Welcome back. I hope your home isn't shaking and rattling anymore.
Sounds like you had a great time away. Perfect timing to help your nerves settle down :wub: I hope it's been quiet since you returned home.
Great trip report Cheryl, and thank you. Padaro Beach Grill is such a cool little place and I've always loved it there with the big grassy area and shaded tables next to the beach on Santa Claus lane right off the freeway. The huge Santa Claus there was removed years ago but they used to have their own post office when I was a kid and we'd go up there to mail our Christmas cards so they would have that postmark for our people in Minnesota. It's time we take a little road trip and have lunch there again. It's such a beautiful drive from Ventura to Santa Barbara!

Loved all your pictures and comments, and this was just what you needed!!
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Oh Cheryl, what a wonderful respite!
I'm so glad that you and your family got an
opportunity to have a great vacation, perfect timing!
Was this pre-planned or a last minute thing?
Which ever, I'm so happy for you, DD and Tyler :)
Oh, and please pass along our "Congrats" to SIL who made Capt!
It looks like you had a wonderful trip with your family, Cheryl - like a big hug when you really needed it. I strolled through the slideshow of photos from the Padaro Beach Grill - what a cute little place! Nice views, too. I got a chuckle from their menu. Featured drink? "Bottled Beer" So generic. :LOL: I also liked the warning that your sweet potato fries are cooked in the same oil as onion rings - might have a faint flavor of onion. It's also nice that the kids' meals offer a salad option instead of fries.

Welcome back. I hope your home isn't shaking and rattling anymore.

Thank you, CG. Yeah, that was a really nice restaurant and great food, but they really could update their online presence. :LOL:

The aftershocks are still happening, but not as frequently. There was a 3.5 this afternoon that had me on edge all over again.
Oh Cheryl, what a wonderful respite!
I'm so glad that you and your family got an
opportunity to have a great vacation, perfect timing!
Was this pre-planned or a last minute thing?
Which ever, I'm so happy for you, DD and Tyler :)
Oh, and please pass along our "Congrats" to SIL who made Capt!

Thank you, Kgirl. It was KIND of pre-planned, but plans changed up a bit after the "E" word hit. Will pass on more congrats to my SIL....he worked long and hard taking the test for Captain and it finally all came together. He only has 3 more years before he can retire, but this new position will up his retirement pension significantly. ;):)
Great trip report Cheryl, and thank you. Padaro Beach Grill is such a cool little place and I've always loved it there with the big grassy area and shaded tables next to the beach on Santa Claus lane right off the freeway. The huge Santa Claus there was removed years ago but they used to have their own post office when I was a kid and we'd go up there to mail our Christmas cards so they would have that postmark for our people in Minnesota. It's time we take a little road trip and have lunch there again. It's such a beautiful drive from Ventura to Santa Barbara!

Loved all your pictures and comments, and this was just what you needed!!

Thanks Kay! I was kind of wondering about the 'Santa Claus Lane' thing, and hadn't looked it up yet. Interesting info there. :) Hope you and Steve manage to get another trip up was nothing short of perfect. :)
Sounds like you had a great time away. Perfect timing to help your nerves settle down :wub: I hope it's been quiet since you returned home.

Thanks, GG. It was an awesome getaway. Just what was needed - I didn't want to come home, though. :ermm::)
Ah, the newest Audighini. Audi owns Lamborghini, and the Urus is mostly Audi with a sexier body... and higher price tag.

I have not seen one in person, yet.

Bentley has a new SUV, too, and Audi owns Bentley, too. So, it's also a very expensive Audi.

I am glad you got to go and have some fun. It is good "therapy" after a rough time.


I didn't know that Audi owns Lambos and Bentleys.....! I learn something new every day here. :) BTW, there were baby carseats in the back of that Lambo SUV....yes, I briefly looked at the inside, hoping I wouldn't set off car alarms. :ermm::LOL: Hard to believe being young enough to afford one of those, and have very young children. Lots of Teslas in that area, too.

Thanks, it was definitely good therapy. Just didn't want to come home...:ermm::LOL:
That's great news about your SonIL making Captain! A nice bump in salary and subsequent retirement pay is always a good thing.

...BTW, there were baby carseats in the back of that Lambo SUV....yes, I briefly looked at the inside, hoping I wouldn't set off car alarms...
When my SisIL and I were heading to my car after stopping for a bite to eat, we noticed a fancy "sports car" parked next to mine. Nosy me, I always check to see if it's a standard transmission. (Sports cars should come in standard transmissions only, IMO.) Just as I was peering in, the owner beeped his remote to unlock the doors...and give me heart failure! We all had a good laugh, and he agreed that sports cars should be sticks (his was).

...Hard to believe being young enough to afford one of those, and have very young children...
Or...maybe Grandma and Grandpa had the kids and the car seats for the day? Otherwise, the parents might not really be able to afford it, but they might be in some mighty deep debt. :ermm:
CG....that would get my heart going, too! :LOL:

Yes, it could have been a grandma and grandpa Lambo SUV with the car seats for the grands, but I don't think that was the case. ;):LOL:
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