My Lost Doggie

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

I feel so sorry for you! This feeling must be so hard to endure. Especially when they are up in age. I would check everywhere possible. I could not rest knowing she is lost and can't find her home. Maybe some kind person has t aken her in and is giving her love. I pray this is the case. Dogs are family at least to me. These dogs are never 100% trustworthy. No matter their condition they probably get bored of same surroundings and just want to see something different. Mine are all up in age and I feel I am the one protecting them instead of other way around. I always felt I could depend on a dog to let me know if strangers around. One is so deaf and going blind other one is completely blind. Yet they do want to go out the door! I just don't understand.

Please let us know when she comes home. I will be thinking of you and your precious little one.
Sorry I haven't responded. My heart is broken. We had to put her mother down about 6 mos ago. She was starting to show signs of what we were told by one vet was symptoms of seizures, and they'd gotten stronger (her teeth were chattering all night). We'd taken her to the vet, who sort of shrugged it off that afternoon. A few hours later she ran away ... she was never a wanderer at all. She was 13 years old and weighed in at not quite 13 lbs. She was sited a few miles away, and we searched that neighborhood for days on end.

The one thing that was wonderful was a small town network. The police, the animal control, the humane societies, and all the vets kept us updated. Butthe fact is that she was a very,very 'scardy dog. Always had been. Terrified of her own shadow. And deaf, which made finding her more impossible. We had her from birth (her mom was the most brave and terrifying 13 lb dog you can imagine), and she was always afraid of her own shadow.

We assume she did what we know it was her nature to do; she ran into a culvert, ditch or any other hidey-place and probably curled up to die.

Everyone, including me, believes she was probably more sick than the vet thought, because pets do run away to die by themselves. It still makes me sad and guilty that she died somewhere outside (she was an inside, lap dog, who would only go outside to do her business OR to sit outside in the sun by my chair, giving herself a pedicure in the sun). I'm heartbroken about this, and feel incredibly guilty.
Please, Claire, don't feel guilty. Your doggie was, perhaps, doing what she felt was the instinctive thing to do. In your heart, I hope, you understand that she knew you loved her. That was evidenced by her times sitting by your feet. Otherwise she may have wandered. She DID/DOES love you.

I know how that feels because some of our most home-loving outdoor kitties have left us. I've spent countless hours worrying about them and praying for them to come home. Some have. Some haven't and I still pine for them. Being a pet lover has a price to pay but I wouldn't change it for the world.

For me, they're cheaper than Valium and far more dependable.

Love to you in the hopes your sweetheart will come home or that you will find peace with whatever end occurs.
Claire, I feel so sorry for you. Maybe your dog has just run off for a bit and will find her way back, at least that is my wish. You did nothing wrong, so dont feel guilty. My best to you and the safe return of your family member. I can understand how you feel. I would be devastated if my dog left home.
I would like to be postivie in this situation...There is a perfectly credible scenario here. Perhaps someone found her on the street, and seeing she was not well, took her in and cared for her.
Being a sweet dog as she is, and as the finder believes that she must have been ditched because she was poorly he/she decided to keep the doggy.
You said that there are lot of supports among your community, but there are also people who don't pay attention to public notices/inquiries and that person may not still be aware that people are looking for this dog.
Don't give up Claire, try to continue on with the tighter search!

My heart goes out to you. So many of us are animal lovers and feel your pain. You have been a good "mommy" to your baby so please don't feel guilty. You have given her a home, held and cuddled her, fed her, a filled her heart with your love. She knows that she is loved.

I think that Katie is right. If she did go off to be on her own it was an instictive act. Something that animals sometimes do. I know you miss her and the wondering is driving you a little crazy, but please don't beat yourself up.
Oh Claire, Katie summed up my feelings so well. Ever since your initial post, I've been wondering about you and hoping you'd find your dog. When I was young, our family dog ran away - he was very old and sick. Its their instinct to do this. Your dog was very loved and loved you very much too.

I wish you peace - please don't feel guilty.
sending hugs your way -
:) I also believe in the instinct thing but I hafto agree with Urmaniac I would not give up just yet.I feel so bad for you because the just not knowing what happened is so hard. Hang in there!Just know there are lot of people here including me putting out good energy to you and your lost pup.
I almost do not believe it myself. I got a call this morning. Someone who lives on a farm near the MS river went into his shed and found a living skeleton. They were just wonderful. She's sleeping on the couch now, after we brought in the vet to look her over. She may or may not survive this ... a 13 lb dog who never ever ever did anything besides manicure her nails, did 8 days in the wild. Everyone is happy for us, and WE are happy for us. My mom (who is sick) gave me a ration of poop for giving up on her. I love my dog, but my mom giving me dog doo really means that this is something that was needed. Mom kept saying she wanted to die. She told me this morning that I obviously needed to take my own medicine. Never give up.
Oh Claire, I'm soooo happy for you. What a feeling to know that she is at home in the arms of those that love her so.

Thanks for sharing!
:) WhOO HOO,I am so happy for you,I knew there still was hope.OMG you must of allmost fell over with joy.
Last winter in Texas a woman lost her dog by where I lived for my job people would see her hiding by the river but nobody could get near her not even kids so I went down to river across highway and threw some scrambled eggs and sausage didnt see her at all.The next morning she was at the ranch foremans house he called me as she would would not go near anyone.He said the owner said she like cheese so armed with a big chunk of cheddar and knowing her name I drove over.I got out of my truck with cheese and baby talked to her, here is the real key to getting her close I lay flat on the ground on my side posing no threat.She came up and ate cheese got her in my truck and took to my fenced in yard in minutes she was sitting besides me on the porch as if she was my dog. I called her owner and she came out in a couple of hours she lived at least 80 miles away.I missed the reunion as I had to go to work but was never the less proud of my abilities to catch her when no one else could.
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I am thrilled you got her back Claire. I was sending good karma your way (still am!)
I KNEW it!!!

I just knew it, Claire!

I kept checking to see if she was home yet! How wonderful!

Claire, it took me a long time to read your thread...because by the title I knew it was going to be very sad. I wasn't sure I was up to it. I finally read and felt so bad for you - I am SO happy you have your sweet pup back home. Please keep us updated.
:) :) Claire,Im curious .Did your doggie realize it was you when you picked her up?Tell us about your reunion.Also how is she doing now?

Prayers work and are answered. What a miracle. I just would be beside myself and could not let her out of my sight. She must have got everyone's thoughts about hanging on to return to you. Oh, I can hardly believe it. This is better than winning the lottery for me. Having such a little treasure returned is something words can't express. Give her gentle hug for me. Tell her I missed her too.
Claire; This is the first time I saw the thread. I read it all the way through, knowing from my own experience, and from the loving person I know you to be, that this must have been devastating to you. And yet, your posts showed a keen sense of bravery, and love, and realizm. The joy you must have felt at being contacted about your live freind, I am overjoyed. I just hope that your little jack-russel will bounce back fully. He is after all, one of those fiesty little dogs bred for hunting, with and indomitable spirit, and tons of energy.

I'm glad he's home.

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
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