Need Ideas for Two Panettones

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Chef Extraordinaire
Sep 9, 2004
NoVA, beyond the Beltway
I guess this is the right location for this quandary.

I got a cranberry one from Trader Joe's (Trader Giotto, to be perfectly cute about it - really says that on the packaging) last weekend and this Tuesday my cleaning lady gave us another one for a Christmas present (the Bauducco version).

Was gonna make French toast with the first one on Christmas morning, got my page in the Wms-Sonoma Christmas cookbook all marked and ready with a post-it note, and now I have two.

Somehow I don't think we're going to eat that much French toast over the holidays.

What's a good way to use the second one? I mean, how do you traditionally have it? I've got limoncello and can always make coffee.
Make trifle with it. Cut it up, and use custard, pudding or whatever for the gooshy stuff, then get some whipped cream and chocolate shavings. You're all set.
Great idea, Alix. But these things are beeg. There will only be four of us.

Better invite the neighbors in, I think.

Or could I cut the second one in half and freeze a half?
well, i've got to admit that i'm a little disappointed with the actual contents fo this thread. i was looking forward to perusing a couple of special recipes.

be that as it is, there's no need to do anything special at all. panetonne makes a great toast to go with your coffee. they're big, but mostly air, so a big toasted wedge isn't going to leave you stuffed. most likely ready for another!
I would use some of it for a stuffing over boneless pork chops, just crumble it up and add some mositure, make a chicken stock. too. Do you have a Panetone Recipe? Can you start a Panetone thread?
My friend is making Rachael Ray's panettone bread pudding for Christmas - it should be on the food network site.
I hack off a huge slice of panettone for breakfast. JUST as it is. It doesn't require toasting, or basting, or anything, IMO.
My Italian brother-in-law dips it in his cafe con leche.
I put a little homemade jam on it.
Simple it is...

Course, you could make trifle with it if it gets really stale ( after about 2 weeks) - but ours never lasts that long!
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