Not so great kitchen tools

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I bought a kitchen item with attachments for all kinds of slicing, dicing... I bought it in a good will shop, and ended up giving it back to them after using it just once, because it looked so dangerous, that I would have to concentrate completely on not cutting myself when using and washing it.

I wonder how many hands that good will stuff ends up in. :D

I wonder how many hands your re-donation will end cutting up. :D
Definitely the garlic press. Tried it once and never used it again. Hated it.
Definitely the garlic press. Tried it once and never used it again. Hated it.

Hated it for what reason?

As I said earlier in the topic, I sometimes use my garlic press and sometimes I don't, depending on whether I want the garlic maximally minced (in which case I use my press). But there's all kinds of garlic textures from coarsely chopped to finely minced and a garlic press has only one kind of result. It's not going to be any good if you want a different coarseness.
I would have to say that this little gadget was the worst thing every purchased/received. I am all about gadgets/pans/tools, just ask my filled to capacity cabinets in my rather small kitchen. My mom gave me this for Christmas this past year. I was fascinated by it, like ooooo what is this?!?! Turns out it is a garlic chopper thingy. I love garlic, and us it quite often. I normally love chopping it, as I feel like it improves my knife skills. But I loved the idea of having quickly minced garlic, especially when cooking a small dish for myself. You pop the top open, throw unpeeled garlic in, close the lid, and roll the little wheels back and forth, and the internal blades chop it all up. The thing worked great, the garlic was in a perfectly fine mince, and the peel was separated. But try actually getting the garlic OUT of the contraption. We all know how sticky garlic gets, it literally clings to the blades and housing of this thing. I used it once, took 15 minutes to clean it, and sock-drawered the thing. I am tempted to throw it away every time I see it, but somehow I feel like if I do, my mom will know...... :innocent:


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That thing looks like a plastic skull on wheels. It's creeping me out! :LOL:

I have an old, chipped white enameled garlic press that I wish I could put on my keychain. I don't use it often but it's a hoss and performs like a gladiator when I need it.

I'm not much for kitchen gadgets but I love my garlic press.
Ha, dang Greg, I wish I would have thought of that before I posted! And you are soooo right Damp, it is rather odd. It looks like the little robot things that people fight in a ring. I am pretty sure that it steals my breath at night......
Ha, dang Greg, I wish I would have thought of that before I posted! And you are soooo right Damp, it is rather odd. It looks like the little robot things that people fight in a ring. I am pretty sure that it steals my breath at night......

There are prayers and rituals to deal with that sort of thing! :LOL:
Greg, DUDE, thanks alot for fueling my nightmares tonight, sheesh. I tried to put a root on the thing but it just laughed. The only thing I know is burying its drawers in the yard, but that would just keep it from leaving, smh.....
Lisa, just a word to the wise that may help deal with your supernatural gadget. In the old times they burned witches at the stake. I think some charcoal lighter fluid might be in order... :D If that doesn't work I think you can order silver bullets on the Internet, although probably pricey... ;)
You know what would be creepy is if you put it in a kitchen drawer, and then wake up the next morning and it's sitting on your covers at the foot of your bed! :eek:

I would freak out, throw blankets over it, break a window to get out and run to the garage to get my two and a half gallon can of gasoline.

Then I'd take off the lid, pitch it through said broken window and toss a match.

There's no screwing around with that type of evil crap. :D
I have a cupboard full of cheap plastic late night TV kitchen stuff, much of it still sealed in its packages, but I have some of the nicest bamboo wind chimes you can imagine, all free for ordering now!
I would freak out, throw blankets over it, break a window to get out and run to the garage to get my two and a half gallon can of gasoline.

Then I'd take off the lid, pitch it through said broken window and toss a match.

There's no screwing around with that type of evil crap. :D

Sorry Greg, imma go with Damp's plan. Evil things shall not be tolerated, fire it is!

To be fair, gunning down a demon with silver bullets would be pretty hardcore.

I think all we need on this--besides the mysterious skull shaped icon--is a hand held video camera and a few girls willing to pretend they're screaming, and we could probably make millions $$$ on a direct to DVD release! :LOL:
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I prefer the upgraded model


Come Dec 21st, 2012, We will decide on just how useful it really is.

I'm not a survivalist or anything but I do have an old 20 gauge and a couple boxes of deer slugs. I'll buy some beef jerky and meet you at the secret location in the Rockies. :LOL:

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