Old Venting Thread

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I concur. Another thing that gets my goat is when someone leaves a message, they slur their words, as if they're on a huge drinking binge. We've had some messages that we could NOT understand due to this. Even after playing, and playing, and playing them back at the highest volume setting. Then we get criticized for NOT calling back. Go figure.
My landlord just had a go at me for washing the filthy curtains he provided! I am not damaging them, they are thin unlined cotton and I am hand washing them, and while I realise this will not get rid of the old paint and, strangely, plaster that is on them (who plasters a room with the curtains up?) I thought I could atleast have them less grey. He is annoyed, he tells me, because people can see in while the curtains are down. These curtains are the Italian equivilant of net curtains, they let light in but not vision, and I have hung other curtains for curtains proper, so I have closed them to stop people looking in to make landlord happier...but the room was clean and very tidy (now I am a full time housewife I can make sure everything, and I mean everything, is clean and where it should be) and I don't understand what I have done wrong. I suppose its some cultural transgression I don't understand...we did ask him to have them cleaned and he said it was our responsibility, so I've done it. Oh well.
lulu said:
Poor Lucilla. She is lucky her father has a partner who cares so much too. Is there any chance Cris can use it as a visitation thing and she could go with you and him? That way he could cite it as a bonding activity....maybe Lucilla's enthusiasm could thus be harnessed and encourage her mother to view the whole thing more positively?

She is certainly lucky to have you Licia.A bicycle would also be a good idea. Many children here cycle to school and back or take bikes to go visit their friends or go to the local shops.
I think Alix's idea is brilliant, money is always a good motivating factor, it would be even better if you can convince her to put, say, half of it a way in a savings account until she is older, then she is learning three lessons: money motivates, the benefit of saving and exercise is beneficial! LOL Jikoni, I understand driving is even worse in Roma than it is here in Milano: a lot of brave people cycle here, but I would be extremly wary of letting a child do so....we see terrible smashes daily :(
Lol Lulu, maybe "a vintage look" was the landlord's taste:LOL: In Rome there are certain regulations that you need to maintain some uniformity and harmony when it comes to the look of buildings, that's why you don't see any ultra modern skyscrapers in the centre of Rome, and when they build something new, they often go out of their ways to add a little "aged" look, to match the surrounding buildings. Maybe a freshly washed curtain disturbed the harmony of the rows of old tattered curtains all around??:ROFLMAO: Well, if that is the case, tell the landlord to make everyone wash their curtains, which will surely improve the appearance of his own property!! He does sound a bit of a quirky sort to say the least, have you talked to any neighbours and see what they think of him? But from all what you have told me, I don't think he has any right to complain over something like that, I would just try to ignore him...

Jikoni, thanks for the advice, yes, bicycle is a great exercise, and I think it is much more fun. Also they live right by Tevere river and along the river, it has a cycling lane that goes all the way across the city, so they wouldn't have to worry about the mad traffic (which Lulu rightly pointed out). When the spring arrives, we will try to take her out to cycle with us more often:)
We do will check into the suggestion of Alix, too, as I agree it may be a good solution even her mother may agree (as it is NOT a fitness or sport:glare: ) and comes with some practical purpose. Wish us luck!
Have you noticed the abundance of weight loss adds on TV lately. They have really got me annoyed. Each of them have people saying how they have lost 60, 70 or even 100 pounds. If you look closely on the bottom of the screen you will see a faded looking disclaimer that states " Results not typical". If you read the even smaller print you will see that the average weight loss is 3.8 pounds in 8 weeks. That's less than a half pound per week. With a little exercise and a little care in your diet you can easily do this without the added expense of their useless products. Who's buying this garbage?:wacko:

I supposed this is really nothing compared to the complete line of bull crap we will be fed over the next 2 years in political adds we will be seeing filled with half trues and out and out lies though.:sick:

I supposed this is really nothing compared to the complete line of bull crap we will be fed over the next 2 years in political adds we will be seeing filled with half trues and out and out lies though.:sick:


JDP, I think if we get even HALF truths we should consider oursrselves lucky!
So, we were planning to go to this wedding, next week, the whole family. Father of bride just called, the wedding is off.
Called airline to refund/cansel/change the tickets, they want $150 bucks per ticket. The hotel wants half of the prepaid price. But it doesn't ends there. We were the one who were going to give the afterwards party, I don't even want to think how much it's going to cost us.
Of course we are not as bad as the parents are, but I'm still pretty mad. i probably wouldn't be if the person who cancel the wedding, the girl, was not so erogant and cocky(sp?). I'm sure in part it is her fault. Grrrrrr, I can't even begin tocomprehand what the people think about.
Well, in the end it's better that way, rather then if they got maried and got divorce latter. Hope it's all for the best. :mad:
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my vent of the day is rather fickle... mostly because the last couple days have sucked, so I just kept my mouth shut hehe. Anyways, I am venting today because I have windows 98.. still. My fault, because I hate spending money for a new computer when my current bulky 487-pound computer runs just fine for as little as I use it, but, I have heard Stumble Upon mentioned a few times, and my spoiled-rotten fiance's fancy schmancy laptop has it, AND I WANT IT TOO! CAUSE IT LOOKS FUN. And W98 doesn't support it. :mad:
Not really a vent except at myself because I detest waiting ..Ethan,Olivia and Carson have been sick off and on for a week or two..All three went to the doctor this morning. Carson has a breathing problem and was given albuterol, but is now running a fever, Olivia has an ear infection and lung congestion, and my little Ethan has pneumonia..This afternoon, my oldest daughter stopped by her sisters to give her some pasties I made and found an ambulance there. Seems, youngest daughter called them as Ethans hand were icy cold and turning blue an his fever was up again. The paramedics advised her to take them both to the ER..So now I sit and wait for the phone to ring and I am about to explode!! I can handle pretty much anything and only fall apart when it's over, but, right now..I just don't know what to do next..Thanks for letting me dump this here, it helps a little to at least talk about it...My poor girls are really good moms, and both right now are wrecks over this...
oh boy give me strength!

kadesma, BUMER. Some things are difficult to deal with. But sick children..
In fact sick anybody is almost impossible. Whatever that virus is...it is all over. Most of my students have "something" and I keep my distance. Don't want the "thing".

I am sure you will keep a close watch...follow doctor's advise and all will heal soon. My neighbor bought a ginger root today. And she suggested you
boil the ginger root, with a couple of cups of water. Add some honey and lemon and sip like hot tea. This should be done when you are starting to feel poorly. She is a registered nurse, a mother, and a grandmother.

We hope and pray your family will be fine soon. Some strength from our house.
Thank you Aria,
I do the ginger root tea whenever I'm feeling off..It helps and sooths. Daughter just called from hospital, Olivia, fever coming down and is licking a pedialight popcycle Ethans has shot up and he has a spot on his lung..They were tested for RSV and now we wait to see if they have that virus. Ethan at first refused the popcycle but has now decided to try it..Oh boy...Both my girls are teachers and they said they have had a lot of children out sick with whatever is making the rounds. They have been going to class with wipes and anti-bacterial hand wash..So far they are fine, but who knows what is riding home on their clothes!!!
Ooooh, ((((CJ)))) ((((Ethan)))) ((((Livi)))) ((((Carson)))) :(
I can, or should I say cannot, I have never been a "ma" after all..., imagine how terrorized you felt while you were waiting for the phone call... just to think if I had a precious little boy like Ethan and found him in such condition, it is just too much. I wish from the bottom of my heart their speedy recovery, and they can come home healthy again soon. And make sure that your daughters and yourself take good care of yourselves during all these stress and scare, you guys need to stay healthy to give all the TLC and more that these poor little ones need!!
My thoughts and best wishes will be with you, my dear!!
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{{{{Kadesma}}}} Watching children who are miserable and not being able to 'fix' it is he**. I hope everything breaks quickly and the little ones are back to normal asap!

It sounds like it has been a terrifying time for your family and I hope today brings great news.
Oh Kads......I hope the little ones are better really soon. I hate it when my kids are sick you just feel so helpless even though you do all the things your suppose to. Please let us know the results of the test and how they are doing. Huge hugs to ya.
OLivia and Ethan are here with me..Livi has ear infection and both have been checked for RSV Ethan pneumonia.\both given steroids and in halers to make breathing easier..\\\dh and I have our handsful Ever tried to get a 1 year old to use an inhaler? Then make them take 6 deep breaths? Lord help us..I managed to get Ethan to eat some apple and banana today. Kids calling be back later,
kadesma, thanks everyone your the best.
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