Old Venting Thread

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I agree thats terrible

I understand how it is to be let down for your birthday!!!! Hopefully the someone special in your life will make the day so special that you will not even miss THE STONES!!!!!
Alix said:
Oh crap! How come?

"The Rolling Stones have been advised to take four days off from their A Bigger Bang world tour in order for singer Mick Jagger to properly recover from recent throat problems," the Web site stated. (From the Hawaii Channel.com)

I'm growing old along with Mick, so I understand. But the old guys can still rock!

wasabi I'm growing old along with Mick, so I understand. But the old guys can still rock!

What do you think of 'Tina"? I don't think the 'kids' today can do the moves she does! And would you check out her legs? Goes to show, you don't move you lose it. She has always been someone who made me get up and move. I miss her. I bet she still moves everyday.

My brother always reminds me that people should be ironed everyday. Just like clothes they wrinkle easy.
Pet peeve of the day, people who snub other people. One group of kids declined to come to our house laast night while trick-or-treating. They were overheard saying to their parents, "We don't want to go to that house."

Maybe our porch was too well decorated, or the lighted path with Holloween orange mini-lights made them think we weren't home.:wacko:

And the decorations were fun, not too spooky. I guess the fake skeletons hangning from or poplanter pole in the front yard scared them off. I hate being snubbed, and by complete strangers at that.

I don't have any idea why this bothers me today. It just does. I put a lot of time decorating the yard to make holloween a treat for those who show up at our door. And I give full-sized candy bars. I love making people smile, especially kids.

I did have to laugh at one group of kids who showed up at the door. They didn't yell trick or treat. When asked why, the oldest boy said that it was because last year, when they yelled trick or treat, they got sprayed with silly string along with getting there candy. I guess they didn't like that. But their parents found it hillarious. I won't use silly string again. Seems the kids just want the treat, not the trick, even if it's a harmless trick.

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
I can't believe they said that goodweed!!! They don't deserve the treat that's for sure.

That's a GREAT "trick" - funny they remembered! lol I didn't do anything this year - I've spent way too much on candy in the past years and a couple kids say "is this all we get'? Each kid gets about 6 pieces - is that not enough? So this year I went out to dinner! It was GOOD too - tapas night! :)

Maybe I didn't give out candy last year either - I don't think I did - I'm just "over it" I guess.
Now that's interesting. Have I understood rightly about trick or treat, that the kids are given either a trick or a treat?

When I lived in Britain, trick or treat was just starting to take off. The whole business was very threatening even then. Basically it boiled down to kids demanding a treat or else they'd give you a trick. The tricks were mostly a total nuisance - eggs thrown at your windows or car, that kind of thing. I remember one evening we had human excrement wrapped in newspaper placed on our doorstep and set on fire. Fortunately, I was so shocked I shut the door and went to find a fire extinguisher rather than doing what one would ordinarily do with a flaming newspaper, stamp it out.
Reanie525i said:
New Vent - I have gone nuts trying to get on this site today - anyone else having problems???
We all have Reanie,
Andy is working on it for us. He tried several weeks ago and will do so again in the near future. Hang in there with us and soon things will be running smoothly.
Thanks!!!!:) Was not sure if it was just my old run down pc!!! BUT as they say, "Good things are worth waiting for"
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I lost my "o" on this keyboard. I have kind of balanced it over the place where it should be, and everytine I think it has clicked into place it pops off again. Does any one have any idea how many times you type "o" whn talking about cOOking and fOOd, lOl.
oh pooh! sorry to hear that looloo. that's a big oops, isn't it? :) kinda like elmer fudd losing the "w"?

my vent today is that i was just sssshhhh'd by katie couric.
i was working in a clock on one of the producers consoles, while katie was borrowing the phone on the next desk. a co-worker and i were talking over the problem, i was under the console, he was pulling on the cable from above. apparently, we became too loud for ms. couric.
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lol alix. no, i couldn't mess with it. every clock in our building has to be precise, to the second.

she wasn't mean about it. it was like being told to shut up by a pixie.
buckytom said:
lol alix. no, i couldn't mess with it. every clock in our building has to be precise, to the second.

she wasn't mean about it. it was like being told to shut up by a pixie.

LMAO at the pixie image. Was the clock above her desk or sitting on it? Just wondering if it could be rigged to fall on her desk and scare the beejeebers out of her later. :ninja:
You're evil Alix - I've never seen that side of you before! :ROFLMAO: Buckytom likes to put food on the table and pay bills!! :LOL:
kitchenelf said:
You're evil Alix - I've never seen that side of you before! :ROFLMAO: Buckytom likes to put food on the table and pay bills!! :LOL:

You HAVEN'T???? I'll work harder to make sure you see it. MWA HA HA HA HA!!
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