Old Venting Thread

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Goodness. It saddens me to read about everyone's problems here. I'm sorry to hear about your situation Texasgrl. Marriage is not easy. There are many compromises to make. But if you BOTH hold on to what brought you together, both of you will find ways to make it work. Do what you feel is best for YOU.

Well this past week hasn't been the best for me. This perimenopause is not treating me all that well. I've been so moody and stressed. We took a Spring Break trip to Orlando last week with my mom and oh, let me tell you...it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. I lost it trying to please everyone. My DH and kids were way ahead of us at the parks while mom and I stayed behind. I didn't like it as I wanted everyone to stay together. To make a long story short, I ended up with a severe flare up of eczema on my legs and a horrible cold during the trip. I was miserable with the burning and itching on the legs. We made it back Sunday and I've been able to sooth my legs with Aveeno products and hydrocortizones. Being home and just getting whatever I can done around here helps. Can't say I've relaxed cause I've had tons of laundry, house cleaning, cooking, and sick kids that caught my cold. Blah!

On top of it, I started cutting my daughter's first communion dress to begin sewing and realized I cut it too small. Argh! Luckily, I cut it on muslin. Now I'll have to go back and grade the pattern again. I'm so tired I should go to bed and stop whinning. Sorry but needed to vent. I feel so much better now.
menopause is no picnic, but we all go through it and we find ways to cope. It can be very stressful, so we need to remember to do something for ourselves, to make us feel that life is wonderful. It is, but families tend to take us for granted..Kids will let us do everything for them and forget that special hug or a thank you.. So, it's up to us to remind them..We don't have to yell or anything we just wait til they do something we want and then we give them that special quick hug and thank you and go about our business. If worse comes to worse we call a family pow wow..That is when we tell tham that from now on 3 times a week from 7-9 we are going to read that new book and we do NOT expect to be ask for anything till we get through, it has to be dire emegency to interrupt...There will be no help with home work, no ride to a friends, no making cookies for school cause we forgot... Dina you have done countless thing for them all of them, now it's your turn. And they need to listen when you ask for something simple like stying together to enjoy the park you went to..They need to understand you are due a lot of love and respect for all you do. Where would they be if you got sick? So take that time for yourself and do NOT feel guilty, you have earned it.
Thanks CJ! I do get a thank you every evening after dinner. I do feel appreciated most of the time just overwhelmed with so much. The family is aware of my condition so they tend to keep it peaceful so I won't stress more. Right now my sink is full of dirty dishes and piles of laundry to fold on the couch. I'm waiting for the kids to come home to have them fold clothes. My little one is upstairs organizing his toys in some new drawers I got him. Yey! I did manage to sleep 8 hours so I feel good today. The eczema is slowly fading out thankfully. I'm taking it one day at a time. I know life is wonderful (just please keep reminding me dear). I know I have to make the best of what life throws at me even these hot flashes and mood swings...blah!
I have another sinus infection and an infected sore inside my nose so am on high dose anti-biotic and rest once again to cure it and to make sure the infection doesn't travel to my knee. The weather is affecting my fybromyalgia and arthritis and my memory is like a sieve. I make cookies and bars for our youth group's annual retreat and got mixed up on days and times and was going to make them this morning (thinking it was Thursday) for them to take when they left Friday afternoon and they left this morning at 7:00 am.

There, I feel better, just needed to get it all out. Having my Dad here has really been a blessing because it has helped me to concentrate on someone else, eat better, get out and be up for him and Tony. But I don't want to give them my negativity so I really appreciate that I can say what I need to here.
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You are all filliing up my prayer list, but that's okay! I will continue praying for all your needs. You are all part of my family. :flowers:

I don't really have a vent, but we would appreciate any and all prayers right now. We are both still out of work (looking, but not finding) and we don't qualify for any "programs." We are praying and trusting God, but some days (as I told Alix) I pray that God's plan for us isn't to witness to the "other homeless people." I know this is going to sound stupid, but I don't worry as much about the two of us being homeless as long as we are together, but I worry about Cubbie and the cats! Anyway, I really don't believe His plan is for us to be homeless, and I am praying very hard that things turn around very soon. :bb:

Speaking of praying, do you remember we asked for prayers for the birth mom of the baby my friend adopted (sadly, as you know, the baby died at 4 months old)? Well our prayers for the birth mom were answered. I'm afraid that if I go into details, this will be removed for being "religious," but if you want details you can PM me.

I hope everyone has a wonderful, blessed day!

Thanks, Barbara, for your prayers. I am actually okay, just needed to get it off my chest, so to speak. I went to Costco since I wrote that (yah, so much for rest) and found my favourite cereal, regular $7.99 for the Costco size, on for $2.69 each and not out of date. I bought two and am going back for more tomorrow! So that really perked me up.

And an answer to prayer, my Dad got the medical form for his driver's license renewal (here you have to do it every year after you turn 80) and told me that if I am okay with driving him around (I am) he will not take it and turn in his license. That is a real relief for Tony, my sister and me. He is almost totally blind in one eye, very weak and his reflexes are bad from old age and arthritis.

Barbara, you know I understand your needs and already know the story of the birth mother and that you are ALL in my prayers - you and James are part of OUR family too!
I hope all gets better for EVERYONE!!!

Thanks Laurie! I am glad your dad decided not to renew his license. I don't want anything bad to happen to him. :cool: I guess I might as well come clean now, everyone. James is in trouble (lol) because I am now hopelessly in love with Laurie's dad! :wub:

Barbara, James, I don't say to much, but I have had you both in my prayer list and I will continue to pray. We all love you both. HE will look out for you.
Laurie, take it easy and dad gets double hugs for his being wise and giving up driving.stacy, you know how I feel.:)
Luvs, good going on your school work and finals.
I'm lower than a worm in a wagon rut. I just spent about 3 hours trying to sort out bills and paying a bunch. There are still thousands and thousands of dollars of Buck's medical expenses that have to be attended to and the bill collectors are beginning to get nasty. I pay them a little at a time but they aren't happy. Can't get blood out of a turnip. Plus, my utility bill for March was $606.00 and the bill for the shop was almost $300.00. I feel as though I'm drowning.

My oldest brother fell again and bruised his other shoulder. He refuses to see doctor for fear that he will put him back in nursing home. (I cannot say I blame him) Last time he injured the other shoulder, they had him in part of home where people had Alzheimer, and other disabilities that required full nursing care. Since it was my first time to have someone in home like this, I did not know that it was not right. After a month, I finally asked the doctor why he was in this location? He said, my brother did not want to walk. I was shocked that he was told my brother wasn't walking. I told the doc tor differently and they moved him to other side of nursing home where he could at least communicate with others and not treated as invalid.

Due to my brother's experience I am learning that it is best if someone does check into y our surroundings. Sure depressing. Also had to buy some kind of bandage to have ice pack on his shoulder. I could have gone to Wal Mart or some other place but I went specifically to a business that handles people with physical disabilities. What I saw was sure sad and the people who work there sure have to hold their tongue when elderly people are so very rude. They make all kinds of nasty faces and constantly complain. I tried to understand and knew they are disgusted with themselves due to the many changes that they have to live with. But I also feel it is no one's fault and not to be so 'crabby' to someone trying to help. My brother is no prince either and he is demanding but no one else wants to help due to his complaining. I am very grateful that he is able to remain in his home. I know for sure that God is good to him. My brother does believe and his situation is proof that my brother is getting most of what he would want.

When I left the store yesterday I told the girl I sure hope I would not get old and treat her the way others do. She was kind and laughed and said I probably wouldn't. That is a prayer of mine that I try to stop general complaining and be more considerate of others.

Thanks for your time and hope your day has no heartaches. Sorry this is so long. I figure if I write it , I will hopefully remember.
I am praying for everyone and your situations.

When Tony came home last night I was already in bed because of my sinus migraine. He asked if I had seen the hole in the fence. I had let the dogs out at 9 PM and there was no hole. Two boards had been pushed through from the other side. We didn't think anything of it until I went out to our freezer this morning and found it half empty. I know that 4 packs of hot dogs are gone, but the main thing was a cake I had made and was testing its freezing ability for a wedding. That cake had a lot of expensive items in it. We have had a freezer on our back patio for three years with no problems. Now we will be getting a lock on it.
So saddened to hear of so many problems among my friends here at DC, and I can't seem to stop thinking about the poor folks in North Dakota who are fighting to save their homes from flooding. Katie, I am so sorry that there seems to be no end in sight for all of the expense...how can you heal when the wounds keep reopening everytime you see one of those bills? And the heartlessness of bill collectors. Forgive me if any among our group here do this for a living, but I know for a fact that this is something I could not do.

Sorry also to hear about your brother's problems, ITK...I sure hope he feels better soon and can stay out of the nursing home.

Barb and James - my daughter was where you are about a year ago. She was ill, and facing homelessness and was contemplating going to a shelter. New opportunities presented themselves and she is now living here with us in Mexico, healthy, with her own apartment and a full time job. You just never know what will happen if you keep your minds and hearts open. I know you do.

Buen dia to you all and hoping for no more sadness.
I have another sinus infection and an infected sore inside my nose so am on high dose anti-biotic and rest once again to cure it and to make sure the infection doesn't travel to my knee. The weather is affecting my fybromyalgia and arthritis and my memory is like a sieve. I make cookies and bars for our youth group's annual retreat and got mixed up on days and times and was going to make them this morning (thinking it was Thursday) for them to take when they left Friday afternoon and they left this morning at 7:00 am.

There, I feel better, just needed to get it all out. Having my Dad here has really been a blessing because it has helped me to concentrate on someone else, eat better, get out and be up for him and Tony. But I don't want to give them my negativity so I really appreciate that I can say what I need to here.

sounds like me the last couple days. have had a bad bad backache. think i pulled something while moving rather heavy pot of veggies. my knees are hurting really bad again, the right one being the worst. today trouble keeping blood sugar up, another new med. is the problem. new med is for nerve damage discomfort. sometimes things are just bad. be better soon friend.:mellow:
sounds like me the last couple days. have had a bad bad backache. think i pulled something while moving rather heavy pot of veggies. my knees are hurting really bad again, the right one being the worst. today trouble keeping blood sugar up, another new med. is the problem. new med is for nerve damage discomfort. sometimes things are just bad. be better soon friend.:mellow:

You too, babe.
We found out tonight that they caught the person who raided our freezer. He hit a lot of yards in the complex and only stole things like food, a patio umbrella, some cardboard, and as we noticed later, a pair of old shoes DH only uses to clean up the back yard.

Yes, the person who did all these horrible thefts was a homeless man. He needed food and shelter and something for his feet. The onsite managers were ready to call the police but polled all the people he stole from and we unanimously agreed he should be set free. A man we know who runs some recovery houses even agreed to give him a place to stay for the night.

I guess my venting over a silly cake and some hot dogs doesn't mean much in the big picture, does it?

I hope this man can get the help he needs.
What is it they say, there but for the grace of god...There is so much of that going on Laurie..Each of us handle things as best we can. All of you should be proud of yourselves..To give food and shelter is a wonderful thing..Can you just imagine being so cold and hungry you have to steal? Here's hoping the man gets help and you faith is rewarded.
How woulkd you handle a kid who decided a salami platter made for about 30 people was fair game. Using both hands to grab the salami, put so much in his mouth he couldn't close it? Then running his hands through the veggie platter, sticking fingers into the dip and then going to the patio door and spitting it out on the steps. It took me so by surprise my eyes bugged...I cleaned up after him and his mother had the nerve to get angry with me for asking him to please go and play with the other children. She said he was hungry and I had had enough..I told her so were the other kids but none of them were behaving like that.She spent about 5 min with him and he was a terror all day..It ended up with him taking Carson's cake away from him and stuffing it in his mouth..At that, I told his mother to make him behave or take his fanny home...She stomped off with him..My son in law thanked me and said he wanted to do that but didn't know if he should..Well I guess I should have shut up but no one is going to bully another kid and act like an animal..Kids need to be tought to mind so others will admire and respect them. that child needs all of that not to be dragged home because he is a bully. I feel sorry for him and would like to smack his mom. Now I feel like an ogre and a mean person, blast it all.
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