Our Excitement Saturday Night

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Master Chef
Aug 25, 2004
Columbia, SouthCarolina
Well, Saturday started off as a pretty normal day for us. We had company from out of town for a few hours, when they left I took the kids to a swimming party, we came home, I fixed supper, & the after we ate the kids went out to play with the little boy next door. As soon as they stepped outside, Savannah started screaming like nothing I had ever heard in my life! Hubby was standing next to the front door putting his shoes on & ran outside to see what was going on. When he got out there, Savannah was sitting on the steps holding her face screaming, "It stings, it stings! The bee stung my eye!" Come to find out a yellow jacket had flown up & stung her on the inside of her right upper eyelid!!:ohmy: I got her inside & put an ice pack on it & called the doctor. In about 2 minutes time, her eye had swollen shut & the whole right side of her face was starting to swell. Since this was her first bee sting we didn't know if she was allergic or not. Well, after talking with the nurse, I gave her Benadryl & Motrin. In about an hour the swelling started to go down & she was ready to go back outside to play. I was scared beyond belief! I can normally keep it together in emergemcies but I really lost it Saturday night. After the major part of the drama was over, hubby told her that she looked like a prize fighter, three missing teeth & swollen face.:rolleyes: Savannah didn't find that too funny.
I hope Savannah is feeling better now!!!What a painful experience!!!As for her father's comment-ah typical!!!:)
Thanks Vicki! She is feeling much better now, the swelling was almost gone Sunday morning, she was just a little puffy & really tired. She seems to be back to her normal self now though.
OMG, poor Savannah, what an ordeal she had to go through!! But if the daddy could joke about it, I can trust it was not so serious in the end, which is a good news... Glad to hear that she is feeling better now!!
Wow, how scary, crewsk! With Savannah's asthma, I'd have been worried about an allergic reaction, too. Glad all is back to normal now! Big hugs to you and Savannah!:)
Oh Crewsk, the poor little thing. Those stings are so painful..I'm glad she is feeling better..Hugs to you all.

I can't imagine being stung by a yellow jacket on my eyelid....both of you are braver than me. I got upset when my boys would step on a bee.

Dad's are the same all over the world, lol!

I'm glad Savannah is feeling almost back to normal.
YIKES! How awful! Thank goodness she wasn't allergic! And thank goodness for Benadryl! My traditional method of soothing a sting would not have helped for your poor angel. We use the root end of an onion on a sting, that milky liquid takes the pain away immediately. Think it might have been a touch owie on an eye though!
Thanks y'all!

Alix, we normally use a paste of either meat tenderizer or baking soda & water on bee stings. I'll have to try the onion thing, but hopefully no one will get stung again for a very long time!
I'm glad she is ok. My son was stung by a bee or wasp and we had to take him to the ER. He was stung on the lip, but his entire face got distorted. We had no idea he was allergic. It is amazing what their venom can do in a sec.
Awwww, poor baby. I bet she was scared to death. I know mom was!!
I hope she's doing better now and I am so glad that it wasn't an allergic reaction and got worse.
Sorry about the yellow jacket sting! Ouch! So glad to hear she is doing better. In the eye though, wholly cow! I've had them in the hand and foot but never the eye. Not that I ever did this as a parent, but it's a good idea to keep an epi pen around, because if you suddenly find your child allergic to bee stings it can be a life saver, especially if your not sure if they are allergic to bee's.

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