Over-mixing ground chicken

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Head Chef
Sep 11, 2021

is it grounded beef or grounded chicken that one shouldn't over mix? or both? for how long can it be mixed?

In general I have found that over mixing causes the natural fats to start to melt. Sometimes your meat will be solid compact and not nice, blech...

As with every recipe, it really depends on the total of ingredients, order of adding, style of cooking.

Then specifically, chicken does not usually have a lot of fat, so perhaps that will help.

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I often read, in a recipe, to not over mix ground beef. The reason being that it may cause the finished dish to be more dense and tough.

I must do it correctly (not consciously) as I have not encountered, in all these years, that problem with meatloaf, burgers, Salisbury steak, etc.

I find with beef meatloaf, that if I don't mix it enough, it doesn't hang together well. I mix it until I can see little, tiny white strands. They are only about 2-3 mm long. Well, if I remember right. I just know what it should look like. I'll try to remember to see just how short they are, the next time I make meatloaf.

I don't remember ever using ground chicken, so I have no idea how much that should be mixed.

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