Pear Tarte

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec

600 grams of pears (~5 pears)
Sugar, largish crystals, if possible


150 gr cold butter
300 gr wheat flour (I use whole grain, pastry flour)
125 gr sugar
1/2 tsp ground ginger or cloves
1 tsp vanilla sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 egg
small amount of cold water

1. Cut the butter into the flour until very small pieces.
2. Mix the egg, ginger or cloves, vanilla (sugar or extract), and 1 tblsp water.
3. Add liquid mixture to flour and quickly mix to a dough.
4. Add more cold water if the dough doesn't hang together.
5. Divide the dough in half and let it rest in the refrigerator for an hour
6. Butter the bottom and sides of a 24 cm springform pan or tarte dish.
7. Roll one piece of dough to fit the bottom of the pan/dish.
8. Put it in the pan/dish and press it up the side a bit.
9. Peel the pears and cut them in half.
10. Remove stem and core.
11. Place them in the pan with the outside upwards and the stem end pointing towards the middle.
12. Put one last half in the middle.
13. Roll out the other piece of dough and put it on top.
14. Press the edges of the two pieces of dough together
15. Using a pastry brush, paint the top of the tarte with a bit of water
16. Sprinkle with the large crystal or regular sugar.
17. Bake in the middle of a 200 deg C oven for 30 to 40 minutes, until golden.

Let cool a bit and serve with whipped cream or creme fraiche or sour cream.

600 grams ~1 1/3 pound ~5 pears
150 grams ~1/3 of a pound
300 grams flour ~ 5 dl (decilitres) ~2.11 cups
125 grams sugar ~1.5 dl ~0.63 cups

200 degrees C ~400 degrees F

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Why yes I do and it weighs in grams or pounds...It will even tell me the nutritional values if I stop to put in the food codes.:chef:
Why yes I do and it weighs in grams or pounds...It will even tell me the nutritional values if I stop to put in the food codes.:chef:

My Danish recipes are easier if you have a scale. ;)

My newest, favourite kitchen toy tool, is a 5 kg capacity scale. I love the tare feature.
My Danish recipes are easier if you have a scale. ;)

My newest, favourite kitchen toy tool, is a 5 kg capacity scale. I love the tare feature.

I love that, too! I like weighing out my ingredients, more precise. It has helped a lot with portion control.
Looks like a good recipe.. I might have to give it a go.. though my scale only weighs in pears... :LOL:

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