Peeping Peeps Challenge 2011

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
We had guest for dinner... unexpected guests at that......:LOL:

Happy Easter Everyone!!!!


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I had a hard time keeping them out of my way in the kitchen while I was cooking.


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Mmmmm Peep-kabobs! Now where are those graham crackers and chocolate????
Thank you, I think I sprained my brain on that one. Shrek said, "You are buying a package of crescent rolls for a joke...":ROFLMAO:

Well of course! The only reason I made another turtle burger was so that I could stick a peep in its mouth :innocent:
Well I don't know about y'all, but I threw my remaining peeps out. Those things were just downright nasty.
Well I don't know about y'all, but I threw my remaining peeps out. Those things were just downright nasty.

I can't even remember the last time I actually bought a Peep to eat...:LOL: But, I seem to get a couple of boxes every year.
Oh my god!!! :ohmy:
They're making a break for it!


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I recently heard of an activity called "peep jousting". You poke a toothpick into the front of a couple peeps then stick them into the microwave with the toothpicks facing each other. You get the idea lol
My peeps came home for Easter, one graduated early with honors, the other one is a ski bum! What can you do? Gotta love 'em!


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