Petty Vents

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
She just...asks. It feels kind of intrusive honestly. The hubby's tried to get her to stop asking questions like that and it just fuels her forward more. She's not a very good listener. She'd rather do everything to make her point.

An old trick my mother taught me to stop a conversation, is to answer a question with a question.

"How much did you spend for that?"

Does it matter what the cost was if it is something I want and enjoy?" But my favorite response is mostly,

"Do you really have a need to know that?" I know it sounds rude, but so is asking me financial questions unless you are a loan officer at a bank.

I also find just staring at them and saying nothing, will force them to repeat the question. Then I just shrug my shoulders like I don't know what they are talking about. :angel:
FG, are you familiar with Carolyn Hax? She's an advice columnist for the Washington Post and has great insights on all types of relationship issues. She has a big thing about setting boundaries and couples dealing with problems like yours as a team. Here's a similar situation she spoke to:

As Addie indicated, you don't need to answer every question someone asks you.

Btw, how long have you been married?
Since we got a king size bed, we've been constantly fighting over the blanket. One time one of the kids dragged her blanket to our bed one Sunday morning and she forgot it there. We slept well the following night. Now we have two blankets, sleep on the different sides of the bed. There us no fighting though. We meet in the middle once in a while. ;)

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Whenever someone feels the need to force their opinion on me or criticize what I'm doing, I usually put on a big fake smile, muster up a good deal of snark and say "Well thank you for that unsolicited opinion on how I do things" Unless they are dense, they usually get the clue.

My mother-in-law is dense, that's why we don't see her often.
We'll be married fourteen years this September?. She loves us very much but she can be very nosey and intrusive.
That day where you have to slow down and collect yourself.

I'm baking the wedding cake layers for a cake that I'm making next week (I freeze them, then assemble). I have the recipe that I used for our cake last year, each batch of batter makes 1 layer of each size 6", 9" and 12" I should be making this recipe 3 times, each cake is going to be 3 layers with filling. I'm wondering why the middle tier is cooking fast and is too thin (I weigh the batter for each pan). Apparently somewhere in my scattered brain, I thought that the middle tier was 10" instead of 9" even though my printed recipe clearly states "9 inch layer, 400 grams of batter" I wrote the recipe :wacko:

Guess who now has to make an extra batch of batter
That day where you have to slow down and collect yourself.

I'm baking the wedding cake layers for a cake that I'm making next week (I freeze them, then assemble). I have the recipe that I used for our cake last year, each batch of batter makes 1 layer of each size 6", 9" and 12" I should be making this recipe 3 times, each cake is going to be 3 layers with filling. I'm wondering why the middle tier is cooking fast and is too thin (I weigh the batter for each pan). Apparently somewhere in my scattered brain, I thought that the middle tier was 10" instead of 9" even though my printed recipe clearly states "9 inch layer, 400 grams of batter" I wrote the recipe :wacko:

Guess who now has to make an extra batch of batter

Now I suppose you are gonna make poor Rob clean up your mistake! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:
Between Beagle and DH, I figure I get around 15-25% of the bed as well. I call DH the burrito, he just rolls up in the sheet until I have about 3 inches of sheet left, enough to cover approximately one knee cap.

We don't have any challenges with covers. Our bed is a queen and I make it up with king top sheets and blankets. Never a problem having enough to cover up.
We don't have any challenges with covers. Our bed is a queen and I make it up with king top sheets and blankets. Never a problem having enough to cover up.

I do the same, somehow they all end up on Shrek's side of the bed. Then he gets hot and I get all of them back.:ROFLMAO:
Good lord, I'm becoming my mother. A six hour trip back from Minneapolis after visiting Baby Bro's kids has me exhausted. Beagle has not emerged from a deep sleep either, she had her share of being semi-molested by an almost 2 year old and an almost 7 year old with an attitude.
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Good lord, I'm becoming my mother. A six hour trip back from Minneapolis after visiting Baby Bro's kids has me exhausted. Beagle has not emerged from a deep sleep either, she had her share of being semi-molested by an almost 2 year old and an almost 7 year old with an attitude.

Saw a picture of myself earlier and wondered when the pic of my Grandmother had been taken...
you think I am kidding...this looks like my Grandmother...


  • grandma.JPG
    186.3 KB · Views: 164
We don't have any challenges with covers. Our bed is a queen and I make it up with king top sheets and blankets. Never a problem having enough to cover up.

I do the same thing Katie. First time in my life that something I did was considered "brilliant!"

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