Picture of Your Family

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uhhhh.... Andy, i dont know if you've ever been out this way but...

more......... midwestern??
OK, here's when I got married almost 36 years ago.


  • Married.jpg
    41.8 KB · Views: 185
  • Leaving.jpg
    48.1 KB · Views: 178
Great pics, FM. I think we could have guessed how long ago it was from DH's suit and haircut! The fashion of the 70s is very distinctive.
Wooo Hooo!!!

FM those have to be the sweetest wedding pics I've ever seen!

Ok I give I'll find a wedding pic.... or something.
Great pics, FM. I think we could have guessed how long ago it was from DH's suit and haircut! The fashion of the 70s is very distinctive.
So true! Not to mention the 65 Mustang! Hubby gave the suit to the kids a few years ago to wear for Halloween, but he still hasn't figured out where the hair went!
inspired by FM's FANTASTIC 70s pics, here's mine:

i'm the cutie in the winnie-the-pooh jumper, and my mom's the foxy lady with the super 70s wings. and geez, look how much hair dad had back then! my brother just looks confused...
Oh this is great - such adorable children! Our little children are all grown up, but here's a picture of me and my handsome hippy husband in the town plaza here in Bucerias...we had just acquired that fancy flamingo and she now adorns our living room.
Oh this is great - such adorable children! Our little children are all grown up, but here's a picture of me and my handsome hippy husband in the town plaza here in Bucerias...we had just acquired that fancy flamingo and she now adorns our living room.
How wonderful, Karen. Ya'll look like you have so much fun together. I think Katie E, Constance and I need to come and visit you since your little town is "old hippie" friendly!
inspired by FM's FANTASTIC 70s pics, here's mine:

i'm the cutie in the winnie-the-pooh jumper, and my mom's the foxy lady with the super 70s wings. and geez, look how much hair dad had back then! my brother just looks confused...
I love this picture!!! I have a few that look eerily similar.:) And I have to say your mom and dad are soooo lucky to have two beautiful red-haired babies. I always wanted a red-haired baby (although I dunno where I thought I'd get one from.)
left to right, top to bottom,
my little Rowie, the love of my life = my husband, our little girls, Sarie and Emmie, silly Jack Jack, my little boy Landon and a duplicate of Jack Jack and I after his first bath ever, that I did, love the picture, memories.............ahhh

Lefse, I'm so glad you posted the bigger version of your avatar. I've looked at it so many times wanting a better look at that precious baby. Wow, no wonder you're such a wonderful grandma - those kids are just gorgeous!!! (And your hubby's not bad, either!:brows:)
I figured that with the Kitchen thread being such a hit, I want to see everyones family! A goofy picture, a beautiful picture, whatever!

This is Nick and I:


And this is my Mother and I: (couldn't find a pic of my dad right now)
Okay - Nick is a hunk and you are a perfect match for him. Your mom looks more like a sister, too. But you didn't say what concert you and your mom were at. We need the details!
But you didn't say what concert you and your mom were at. We need the details!

Well it's a good thing Saphellae is here to tell us.
Like BT pointed out, that girl in the back certainly doesn't seem to know where she's at:LOL:
Saphellae, you and your husband are just perfect together, and FM is right, your mom looks so young! Oh, Fisher's Mom, I think you should come on down - this is a magical place and we'd love to share it with you!
Saphellae, you and your husband are just perfect together, and FM is right, your mom looks so young! Oh, Fisher's Mom, I think you should come on down - this is a magical place and we'd love to share it with you!
It truly does look and sound magical from your posts. But maybe part of the magic is you and your husband - I love that you found him a little later in life. It's so romantic.

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