Picture of Your Family

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Me on the left - my sister on the right. I do miss her!

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Awwww KE those are the best pics.
You never know when you are taking the last one.
Right to left---My youngest daughter, Lea, in her homecomming dress last Oct(she hates dresses). Lea after shooting her first turkey 2 years ago. Oldest daughter Bethany,the one on top, cheering for Buffalo State. Bethany and my furture SIL at his Army basic training graduation.


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Mikki, your girls are too cute - Lea's smile is bigger when she shot her first turkey !! Love it - Tell her "You go girl" !
( I use to hunt with my Dad. )
Barb L-She was still shaking from excitement when I took the picture, Lea loves anything to do with the outdoors,shot 2nd trukey last year and her first deer in archey season this year, defintely showing her Dad up.
When they were younger I got asked if they were twins all the time, because oldest is short, so for awhile they were the same size. Now Bethany is 4'11" Lea is 5'6" in pics they look like twins, side by side they look like danny divito and arnold swartenheger (sp) twins.:ROFLMAO:
The first one is from my wedding in December and the other is my daughter on easter...


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Ok, I can't find any picks where we are all together. It is either I take the photo or my wife. So here I am witht he kids. I am the young good looking one! ;)


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Oh Z, thanks for the great video. I used to have a kitty who did that flat-footed from the floor! Usually he just did it to me, but every now and then he would surprise someone who was visiting if he really really liked them. He passed on about five years ago and I sure miss him. Your wife is beautiful and I love your kitchen!

Welise, that little baby just took my breath away! What a beauty.

Thanks to all of you who are posting pictures....it's great to see all of you in person.
Oh CHarlie they are adorable!
Your smallest 3 and all my 3 together look like they sure could run a person ragged!

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