Pleased to present the new DC baby

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Congratulations! I am so glad you had him before Christmas. This will be a special one for you all. And now you can say you lost weight BEFORE Christmas!:LOL: Looking forward to seeing many more pictures of that new angel in your house.
Thanks everyone! We are all doing great, and believe it or not, I was still able to pull off Christmas dinner today. It took a lot of precooking before we had Callum so all we really had to do was stick everything in the oven!
All went smooth with labor and delivery, it went by fast! I was worried about the 45 minute drive to the hospital but we left early enough that the contractions weren't that bad yet and being that it was midnight, our 45 minute drive turned into a 25 minute drive.
We, unfortunately had to stay an extra night in the hospital because Callum lost 10 percent of his weight within the first 24 hours (it's normal for them to loose about 7 percent in the first 48 hours) so the pediatrician had us stay.
It was so hard to be in that hospital for so long and as part of security I wasn't allowed to walk with him in the halls unless he was in his bassinet. 100 channels on the tv with nothing to watch made it difficult (although I was able to catch 2 episodes of LOST) but also makes me glad we don't get reception at our house. I feel confident that Callum is gaining weight well now and we have a doc's appt tomorrow morning to check him out.
Aidan is excited about his little brother and goes around telling everyone "I'm a big brother." All Aidan wants to do is kiss him and hold his hand when he's crying. Bless his heart.
And because you all know that I just can't help myself, here are a couple more photos! Lots of love to all of you. Merry Christmas & Happy Chanukah!


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Congratulations, corazon, to you and your family! What beautiful little boys you have!! Thank you for sharing pics with all of us!!
Warm wishes and congretulations to all of gave me another member to grandmother..or would it be great grandmother..?
Wow, I'm getting older by the minute.
Ooooh Cora!! (bursting through the door huffing and puffing) sorry for the late arrival to give you my heartfelt congratulations!! What I have missed out while I was away for a few days amidst all these Christmas thingies... what a perfect Christmas present for you, your family and here in the DC family!!:) I am so happy for you and thank you for sharing the beautiful photos!!

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