Post your book cover here

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Moderator Emeritus
May 10, 2002
Edmonton, Alberta
I also post over at BAR and I love to SEE the books that folks are reading. Its an easy thing to do to post the cover of the book you're reading. Just Google the title of your book and hit Images, choose the cover you like best, copy the URL and then come here to post it. To post, click on the little icon that looks like mountains, and put the URL of the book cover in there. That way you don't use up any of your own photo limits.

Here's my latest read.


Here's mine...can't figure out how to do what Alix said.


  • 200px-Catching_fire.JPG
    17 KB · Views: 150
Do a search in Google for the title of your book so that you can find an image of the cover. And here's a Pro Google search tip of the day, direct your search to Amazon since you're looking for a book cover image. (To do that, type this in the Google search bar: Amazon: Field of Blood).

Once you find the picture of what you want to post here, right click on the image and choose the "Copy image URL" option.

Come to the forums, click on the Insert Image icon and then copy the image's URL into the pop-up box using Ctrl+V or with a right-click & paste.
Do a search in Google for the title of your book so that you can find an image of the cover. And here's a Pro Google search tip of the day, direct your search to Amazon since you're looking for a book cover image. (To do that, type this in the Google search bar: Amazon: Field of Blood).

Once you find the picture of what you want to post here, right click on the image and choose the "Copy image URL" option.

Come to the forums, click on the Insert Image icon and then copy the image's URL into the pop-up box using Ctrl+V or with a right-click & paste.

That is exactly what I did and's okay, I just saved it to my computer and uploaded the image. Worked fine. I'm to tired to play computer 'games' tonight!

Finally! Dang, I just wasn't standing on one leg and playing Canasta at the same time when I tried it before.
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