PPPC-II. It's baaaack...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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I thought my Browns had that game the way they started, but I should have known better.

We watch the same game? The way the O didn't move the ball I knew it was a matter of time.

Unless you mean first drive 3 points then they should have called the game right there. ;)
The fact that we had the long completion (which is an anomaly anymore), got a couple scores in and the way our defense was holding Baltimore, plus Weeden actually looked comfortable in the first half... yes, I thought we might squeak one out. I don't know what got into me :wacko:
I made pulled pork shoulder tacos simmered in homemade salsa with leftover rice mixed with salsa on the side. Pictures aren't pretty, but it tasted good! No idea how the Lions did yesterday - I was busy adding mushroom compost to the garden and planting green beans.


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The fact that we had the long completion (which is an anomaly anymore), got a couple scores in and the way our defense was holding Baltimore, plus Weeden actually looked comfortable in the first half... yes, I thought we might squeak one out. I don't know what got into me :wacko:

Hope is the most dangerous thing in the world.
Great pics, pacanis!
I wish my team would play as good as the Green Bay chili turned out.
Hmm...I think I am seeing a trend. Every time I have cook foods relating to the opposing team, we lose. I reckon I will give it another try next week.
If that trend continues, you should cook something representative of your team city/region. Obviously it's your awesome food that helps a team win. ;)
If the offensive line blocks like they did yesterday (or was it that Wheeden was hanging on to the ball too long?) and the QB keeps getting put on his backside, I suggest you prepare a meal of all adult beverages so that you too can spend the game on the floor. :ohmy: :ROFLMAO:
If the offensive line blocks like they did yesterday (or was it that Wheeden was hanging on to the ball too long?) and the QB keeps getting put on his backside, I suggest you prepare a meal of all adult beverages so that you too can spend the game on the floor. :ohmy: :ROFLMAO:

It is a bit of both. Sometimes he holds the ball too long, sometimes too long is because Cousins whiffed.

You'll note that it wasn't the left side of the line that was the problem.
FrankZ, we don't usually see Browns games up in MA and we don't have cable. (*gasp* I know! :LOL: ) I was glancing at CBS's "Gametracker" while listening to the Indians game online. Baseball is my #sport, especially since we watched our son play HS varsity those three years the Browns were gone. It's not the same when you spend all your time watching guys play for the love of the game instead of the love of the dollar.
We got Detroit this week.
After much research, it is a toss up between Detroit Coney Dogs or a massive Maurice Salad.
Couple of links to the recipes I am lookin' at:
Lafayette Coney Island Sauce for the dogs
Maurice Salad
There seems to quite a bit of disagreement on what each of these dishes consist of.
I am leaning toward using ground beef hearts for the Coney Sauce, but if I tell Mrs Hoot what it is she will likely give me that sideways look that she has and say "PASS!"
I've got mine picked out for the Vikings.
Now to find a wooden bowl and spoon :LOL:
Ha, A wooden bowl and spoon. :question: Well, don't spill the beans quite yet. It's too early in the week.

I 've got my Brown's menu picked too. Not the ingredients picked up yet though.

I wlll say, this week I get to play, come hell or high water. Last week I got side lined. This week I am prepared.
Two years ago when the Browns had a bye week I made pierogies and lake Erie perch. Which is pretty much a regional dinner from Buffalo to Cleveland, lol.
When I first did a search for foods Cleveland is famous for, Pierogies is the first thing that came up. I have never made pierogies, and knowing how well my raviolis stick together, I am going for something in a little different direction and more do-able for me.
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We got Detroit this week.
After much research, it is a toss up between Detroit Coney Dogs or a massive Maurice Salad.
Couple of links to the recipes I am lookin' at:
Lafayette Coney Island Sauce for the dogs
Maurice Salad
There seems to quite a bit of disagreement on what each of these dishes consist of.
I am leaning toward using ground beef hearts for the Coney Sauce, but if I tell Mrs Hoot what it is she will likely give me that sideways look that she has and say "PASS!"

:ROFLMAO: Can't say that I blame her. Don't you just love the unspoken language of long married couples? Rolled eyes, side looks, deep audible sigh, etc. :angel:
Okay, look back and reread. So let me try to understand. You cook a dish of the opposing team's city, that your home team is playing.

So we are playing Tampa Bay this coming Sunday. Any of our Floridian members playing on this thread? I wonder what they will cook for New England. They have six states to pick from. I would suggest Maine and lobster. But closer to home there are Boston Baked Beans with Cod Fish Cakes. You have to include fish in there somewhere. Happy Cooking as Jacques Pepin would say. :angel:

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