Prayers needed again

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Chef Extraordinaire
Aug 31, 2004
Cleveland,Ohio USA
My cousin had her baby around 6:30 this morning...
3 months premature.
She said the baby is 14 inches long but she only weighs
1 pound 10 ounces.

A good sign is the baby IS breathing on her own.
Thanks guys. I know I can count on you.
Prayers are def. going up Middie! Thankfully with the advancement in the medical field the way it is today a baby being born that size has a great chance. Plus, its breathing on its own shows its a fighter. Keep us posted!
you all have as many prayers as you need..I'm here if you need to talk.

middie! i'll be praying for the baby and will be thinking about you and your family.I hope all will be well and the baby will be fine and healthy.
I hope everithing will be alright for your cousin and her baby. I'll pray for you and your family
My best wishes for your cousin and the little one.
Forza piccola!! Ce la vuoi fare!! (C'mon girl, you can make it!!)
erinmself said:
I'll be praying too. Does the baby have a name yet?

Yes she does. Robin (my cousin) named her Chloe. I'm getting ready to go see them now so when I get back I'll give you an update. Thank you so much everyone !! This really means alot !!!!!!!!

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