Products that have disappeared

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Two more, but not in the physical, but still marketed:

The King Biscuit Flower Hour, .... and
"Come fly with me, Alison Steele, the Nightbird @ WNEWfm (NY),
until dawn...
Yup. She used to come on at 10pm. I would lay on the bed and listen to her opening, then drift off listening to all the cool stuff.
What an era! (Oh, and it always reminded me of that movie The Fog)
Ivory dishwasher detergent
Ivory flakes
Hollywoodland Candy bars[dangit]
Caroide toothpowder
The licorice really tiny candy breath mints that could take your head off.
Why do I think they were called something like Specs or Pezz or Fezz or something.
Where'd Fizzy's go? Oh ooops, it's already been adressed.
Mother's Cookies ClosingBye bye Animal cookies!!!
I saw these in Walmart Kauai when there a month ago. But they were orange and black colors like for Halloween. We love those cookies but just when I went to buy them, I remembered the bathing suits in my suitcase:LOL: Oh and FlixStix
The licorice really tiny candy breath mints that could take your head off.
Why do I think they were called something like Specs or Pezz or something

You're thinking of "Sen Sen"! Still being made - just do a websearch for it. A number of companies still carry it. Believe it or not, I just recently ran out of a box full of the little packets that I bought a few years ago from "The Vermont Country Store".

LOVE "Sen Sen"! A strong "perfumy" licorice taste/scent. One or two 1/16" squares can cut through anything you've eaten - even tons of garlic (which I also LOVE).
"Gold Rush" bubble gum? Gold gum "nuggets" in a little cloth sack with a drawstring
I loved them!
oh I loved that kind.
Thanks for reminding me of the flavor that I still can, swear not lyin, can taste in my mind.

This is for BuckyTom AKA theBuckster on a completely different thought.
You're thinking of "Sen Sen"! Still being made - just do a websearch for it. A number of companies still carry it. Believe it or not, I just recently ran out of a box full of the little packets that I bought a few years ago from "The Vermont Country Store".LOVE "Sen Sen"! A strong "perfumy" licorice taste/scent. One or two 1/16" squares can cut through anything you've eaten - even tons of garlic (which I also LOVE).
Are they available where you live? Can I send you finances? Not real good at subtle hints, but I'd love a little tin of those


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not only those foods that you mention have disappeared, but Nabisco used to make a very thin sugar cookie called Brown Edge Wafers. Can't find them anywher no matter to what part of the U.S. I travel. Has anyone seen them? :question:
:ermm: I think I may have seen the large tootsie roll candy at the Dollar Stores near movie theaters. :unsure:
I live in the northeastern U.S.
The little red hen is my all time favorite Little Golden Book, bar none.
Just sharing a bit of useless info............sorry...:wacko:
Fizzies???? you dropped them in your drinks and they were fun to watch........I heard that some girl dropped some in her mouth and died........think it really was a story invented by our parents to scare us..........
well I'd tell ya to Snopes it out but then I got a very revealing email from a friend about Snopes so take what they say at your own risk or for your own pleasure, if you dare......
The little red hen is my all time favorite Little Golden Book, bar none.
Just sharing a bit of useless info............sorry...:wacko: well I'd tell ya to Snopes it out but then I got a very revealing email from a friend about Snopes so take what they say at your own risk or for your own pleasure, if you dare......
oh goodness........I've been on the edge all day............lost a dear friend in Egypt................knew he would die young................well sorry........i happen to think that 68 is young....................his son who was 2 at the time I met him is probably 18 now........and good-looking.........he was at 2.............Devin is probably a chick killer by now..............

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