Pull up a Chair Stay Awhile Barber Shop !

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Jkath Barbara says they have to start back to school the first week of August, Earlier out earlier back ! at least they aren't going full year like in Ottumwa Schools some of them do !
jkath said:
Okay, let's get going on that black hair...you sure you want black? It's hard to remove.... I think we should make you a redhead...oh wait! I forgot about Sushi!
Okay, black it is!
<<going in the back to mix up the color>>

I've been a redhead several times, I love it & other people like it but hubby hates it.:rolleyes: He said I could go any color I want as long as it isin't red so I figure why not shock him whith black? (Of course in real life I'd never do it, my coloring wouldn't look good with black hair) I may just tick him off in the next few weeks & become a redhead again since I just got back to my natural color.
jkath, can you give me a hand treatment? some sort of extended manicure? they ITCH! i wash them every few hrs. and wear rubber gloves several times a day and it's ruining my hands!
luvs - don't use antibacterial soap - it'll mess with your hands. First, we'll give you a triple dip in the paraffin tub...
okay, now here's some great hand cream......

Middie - Let me do a conditioning first........okay, now, sit under the dryer........
I'll blow it out and straighten it like a stick in a bit
Okay, Middie, let's rinse........

Okay, I'll put some straightening creme on you (don't worry, it's only temporary)...
okay - now for the hairdryer...............

Ta Da!
Straight as a stick!
Frizzies have been banished!!

Who wants an inverted mohawk?
gee, are those roses you're throwing at my feet?
thank you thank you......
hey, those aren't roses...

okay, I'm on my break - I need a brownie, so I'm walking across the street to the cafe.
good girl, luvs.

I'm back, but only to book appointments for Maidrite.
He says he'll be doing mud treatments tomorrow, followed by seaweed body wraps and then having his clients take a soak in the mineral spa.

Any takers?
I'll be back in an hour for the mud bath. Sounds great! Can I have a haircut and color too? I've had the SAME boring hairstyle since I was in highschool. Don't ya think it's time for a change?
Barb-ette, you need that treatment to celebrate school being over!

pds: AAAGH! since high school? please tell me you graduated last year.... Do you know that if you wear the same hair as in high school, folks can immediately tell your age, whether you look young or not? Let's put that hair into 2005!

<<snip snip...snip snip....>> Okay, that's for the bulk. Now let's color
<<slapping on a tri-color mix with foils... >>
I hope you like the chunky lites. They're very cool right now.
<<okay, hon, you're going under the dryer to get those colors to come up all the way>>
Oh I feel better already! jkath I don't know what we'd do with out you!! ( by the way I'm 40!!! So, I've looked just like this for years and years and years . Yep, it's time for a change.
Hey, I'm right behind ya sister - I was an 84 grad myself. (although, won't it be great when big hair comes back?)

okay, you're done processing.
<<snip snip snip snip>>
<<spraying on extra body spray...getting out hair dryer...whooooooooosh!>>
This is my quickie dryer - heats up really nice!
<<getting extra fullness with round brush>>
smoothing on shiny topping

Ta Da~You look 10 years younger!

You do know I'm a trained makeup artist too, right?
<<working quickly, so as not to apply too much.....adding extra pizzaz to pds>>

You are finito!

<<holding up mirror>>
My husband will be in shock! LOL... He likes the plain looks. He told me when we started dating that he liked long hair and no make up. Life sure is easy that way but...
sure feels good to "dress " myself up once in awhile. You did a great job.

I was the class of 84 too!
Had my son on GRAD night instead of going to the ceremony!! lololol.
Can't believe he'll be 21 in a few weeks...
Grad night here was going to Disneyland all night here - and the girls had to wear dresses with stockings and proper shoes. The boys had to wear sportcoats. It was nice to see everyone so appropriately dressed.

21 huh? whoa! My oldest is 12-1/2
yeah.. my timing was off a few years but... it's nice to still be young and have the child raising out of the way. Now, if I could only get hubby to retire so we could travel and play for the next 20 years! lol.

Disneyland in dresses and proper shoes. LOL. I can just see you
all on Space mountain with your dresses flying. Good thing it's dark in there.
What great memories you must have made.

What'd the rest of you do on Grad night??

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