Radish Greens & Watercress & S. Oil

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
I was using some Watercress today and was taking off the longer stems.

should I throw them in the freezer bag along with the parsley stems? (for stews and stocks?) or ... ?

Same with Radish Greens - I'm not big on bitter but can they be cooked up sort of like spinach?

Although these are really dirty, I'm sure half the farmer's field is in the stalks!

I picked up some Sichuan Oil. :yum: but now am not sure in what manner to use it. :ermm: It is from the green peppers not the black (same plant - different taste). They did also have the black (actually depicted as red) but thought I would only buy the one until I figured how I would use it.
Any suggestions?
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