Receptive Housemates?

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
Just wondering how your housemate (husband, wife, parent, child, SO, etc) deals with your food offerings.

I do all the cooking at our house. SO will gamely try everything I cook and give me an honest opinion on it. This is something we agreed on from the start. She has promised to be honest and I believe she has been with one notable exception. I know her preferences enough that I won't even consider some recipes.

SO has some taboo foods. She doesn't like bean dishes, lamb, a lot of cream sauces, to name a few. She has mellowed some over the years.

I sometimes ask her about a recipe I've seen online and she often turns up her nose at it. I do better if I make a new recipe and put it in front of her without telling her details. She has actually told me not to tell her what's in it and to just serve it up. Sometimes she really likes it and sometimes she doesn't.

So tell us, how does it work at your home?
No celery, except for our home grown stuff, he likes that as it isn't bitter. No onions, unless they are completely cooked, or caramelized, or deep fried. He likes meat, I'm not eating meat lately. I make 2/3rds the dish with meat and the rest without. No hot peppers for him but DS and I like hot peppers, we make everything accordingly with extra hot peppers on the side. (including pickles, mexican, salsa) DH won't eat curry but that doesn't stop me of DS eating them.

If he helps me cook he likes the food So much better. I ask for his input (taste this and tell me what you think of it) and then to give me a hand on one thing or another and he likes it much more.

If he grows the vegetables then the vegetables are so much more delicious, it seems, from his point of view.

So I ask him to help once in a while. We don't eat at the same times, we eat when we are hungry, what we like, when we like it. I keep the refrigerator and freezer stocked, lots of good things.

Except for holidays and special occasions, we have many dishes that we both eat and then we eat at the same time. Sometimes we have special occasion eats with DS too and he'll eat just about everything.

DH retired this year and our gardens were phenomenal, due to the landscape fabric and the time he took, about 15 minutes a day to keep up with them. So we've agreed more on food more this year than any other year.
Winona, my partner, loves and supports my cooking and will also eat just about anything I make..I am actually more critical of my cooking than she is.

I cook about 99% of the time, ....when we get home I head to the kitchen, usually with a cold beer or glass of wine, play some music on our Google mini,and start to cook..she is happy to clean or help if I ask.

She's not crazy about a few things, but I can work around them as there are so many things to create, or's never a problem..
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It's complicated. And some of you know this. There's a lake between our houses, which keeps us honest. :)

We share dinner time/ lunch about half the time during the week and most weekends. It's funny, we are both retired, still the weekends are the weekends, which could be anytime, but weekends are an ingrained pattern.

She makes some foods better than I, and I do better with some. I make more messes than she, and in her kitchen, it's best if I clean as you go.

Not too many food constraints, unless I start counting Dx's sometimes quirky food restrictions. She periodically does no dairy, except ice cream is ok, no eggs except when we go out for breakfast and eggs bene are on the menu. I never know when gluten may or may not be acceptable, so I pay attention when she talks about what she's been reading about, diet wise. Then I forget it and tell her I've got OHS (old heimers syndrome). Otherwise, I do pay attention to what she says, as I do appreciate her in all other ways.
I'm learning. Glenn and I have been together for almost 10 years. He's somewhat a bit different than Buck, but is somewhat easy to cook for.

Glenn doesn't like "white" things... mayo, ranch, and such.

I like all of the above and find ways to incorporate said "no-no" things. There are some dishes that he doesn't realize include the ingredients he says he doesn't like.

Never mind!
I live alone (and love it), so I cook for one and usually agree with myself. :LOL:

My daughter and her family and my bachelor brother live within a mile from me, so when we get together we usually grill something out on the patio with a few sides. Can't go wrong with that. Holidays are a free for all, and we all just make a few dishes. My bro loves everything, but I have to be a little more sensitive to my daughter and her family's likes and dislikes. :ermm:

I love to try new dishes. I think the hardest part, but the most rewarding, has been seeing all the wonderful sounding dishes here at DC over the years, and scaling them down to a reasonable amount for one. :LOL:

Fun thread, Andy!
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Over the years I have been a flat-sharer and been a Landlady with long-term "paying guests". I always do the cooking (which excuses me from washing-up and dishwasher duties - I'm not daft!). I always discuss food issues - likes, dislikes, allergies, etc., - right at the beginning as it simplifies matters. I'm not above encouraging the people I'm cooking for to try things they've never had before but I wouldn't force anything really obscure onto them.

When potential "lodgers" come for an interview and to inspect the surroundings, they tend to notice the number of cookery books on shelves all over the house and often comment. After he'd been my lodger for a couple of months one chap admitted that the possibility of being fed well was what made my house win out over the others he'd looked at!
My home consists of me, my wife and two adult college kids ( one away in Montana, the other at home).

All of us vegetarians ( my wife a recent vegan).
My additional restrictions are carbs ( not that I cant have them, I just cant overload like the good old days).

With all that said, I am the primary chef, cook, dinner preparer, recipe introducer (although I am welcome to suggestions), food shopper and meal planner.

My main shopping day is Sunday morning (7am , right when the store opens so I dont have to wait on lines ( I hate lines and wasting time) honestly I wish they opened earlier).

Usually Friday or Saturday of each week I begin to ask what everyone wants for dinner each week (I try to limit it to One pasta, and One sandwich-like dinner ( burger, bahn mi ,hoagie ...). If they dont provide me with any suggestions or not enough suggestions than i will fill in the vacancies with either what I want, what I think they may want or somethings that may use similar ingredients so I can limit what I buy at the store. I also try to introduce at least one new thing each week, to keep the meals interesting and for my cooking enjoyment.

As mentioned above, there are some restrictions I have to follow ( vegan, low carbs). My wife is not a huge fan of soups, but will east them. She ( and my son) are also not fans of spicy foods. Since I love cooking, I dont mind the different rules. I have no problems being a " short order cook" and personalizing every dish. Ideally I try to make it so everyone will eat the same exact thing, but It doesnt always work out that way. We have a well stocked freezer, fridge, so at any time if someone doesnt like what we are having, or chooses not to eat what we are eating, they are always welcome that something up themselves at any time.

My wife will make suggestions on new recipes to try. usually this happens by her showing me the recipe first since , in most cases, I can usually get a pretty good idea if we will like it just by reading ( and without going through the hassle of preparing it just to find out we have to order in pizza because it tasted like crap). If it looks good I will prepare it. If it goes over well then it would be added to our selection of recipes to choose from. Usually they are honest about how much they like or dislike what i make. My wife and I have been together 30+ years and my kids are in their 20's so after that much time cooking for them, I have developed quite a selection over the years and i know what is a hit and what is a crapper. If it is something new, Im one of those people who quietly watch who is taking seconds, or who is eating over what. If there are leftovers, I quietly pay attention to who is eating the left overs the next day, or are they pushed to the back of the fridge, ultimately becoming the chickens next meal ( the chickens are my best audience, they love everything and never complain).

My work schedule gives me 2 nights that I get home on the late side with no time to cook dinner unless I want to eat at 9pm. For this, I usually prepare food on my days off for those nights. My wife will heat them up ( she is a self admitting poor cook who is capable of heating things up). On occasion she will try a new recipe and run it by us ( she is always looking for new vegan things to eat). Being a vegan, she also does the specialty shopping in that area ( whole foods, trader joes) so she will often come back with a new product and ask if I can do something with it ( or it may even be an already prepared frozen vegan meal). I must admit, the stuff taste a lot better now than back in the day when all you can get is a slab of tofu. I dont mind the vegan stuff because it provides a new challenge for me. Trying to make something taste good. I can honestly say that it doesnt always work out, but the selection of vegan meat products, cheeses are getting better and better .

Inspiration for new ideas come from the internet ( and all of you fine folks), Magazines, cookbooks, cooking shows (although I have not watched them as frequently as I had in the past), and going out to eat. I dont travel internationally much (or at all), so i make it a point to try different cuisines as often as i can. When there is a certain dish, spice or ingredient i like, I will remember it, find it somewhere, and give it a go myself either trying to create the exact dish myself, or just researching the ingredient ( cuisine) which opens a whole new direction for me to explore. Im one of those people who goes to a restaurant , orders something, and if i like it enough, I will always order the same thing from that restaurant every time. My wife will order other stuff and i will taste hers. If i like it more than my traditional every time dish, then i will then order that the next time and it will become my new favorite dish, but i always like one safe dish. I also have no problems ordering a third (extra ) dish to try, knowing I will likely take it home ( I won't stuff my face), but I like variety and trying new things.

Other things that decide what we will eat are time of year ,whats available, whats ripe in the garden. I have a weakness for farmers markets, specialty food stores and even new supermarkets. Our consistency weekly shopping will be me at one super market to get the stuff for dinners, My wife at another market to get snacks for the house, cleaning supplies whatever she needs for the house. She will also do the trader joes/ whole foods run to get things she may want or need. I , depending on what we are having, will go to the Asian, middle eastern, indian, mexican specialty stores to pick up more traditional ingredients. When i do this, I try to stock up and will likely include multiple ethnic dishes over the course of a few weeks, so I dont have to keep running to 100 stores each week, although i enjoy it).

There are occasions that I may get home from work a little later, or I just am not in the mood to go crazy cooking , that we will just boil a pot of pasta or cook up a few burgers ... ( we always have something quick to make under these circumstances). If this happens, that means that one of the meals that were on the weekly list will not be made, and usually be pushed to the next week. When making the weekly dinner list, it often ends up in a friendly argument. Everyone always has to ' think" or they will get back to me later .... But everyone also jumps on that one thing that was on the list from the previous week that we didnt make, just s they dont have to come up with something new.

There was one time where I guess we were sick of pierogies, cause they go bumped for like 2 months ( 8 consecutive weeks), to the point that it became a joke and we just put them on the list every week ( because the list didnt look right with out them on it).

So, for any of you that made it this far without falling asleep, the above is the weekly thought process that goes into eating at Larry's house. A brief summary would be everyone makes suggestions. I make the final list. I watch what is left over, who takes seconds, what gets fed to the chickens and listen to critiques when they are made.
My first wife was the sole cook (an an excellent one) until I was given a wok setup in the late 70's.. I slowly branched out into cooking recipes she did not..

The way we did it was.. I'd cook something and our kids would come over for dinner.. We would all try whatever I cooked and then did thumbs up or down on if it was something worth repeating.. We had some great laughs..

After she passed away, Jeannie and I got together.. Jeannie doesn't cook..

There are some things she doesn't care too much for but, her deal is, "Cook it and I will push what I don't like aside." That works for us..

We are now very light eaters.. Breakfast is our only must have (well, some kind of dessert too ;) ).. We seem to only have a complete prepared supper about 3 times a week.. We snack a lot.. Cheese, crackers, a small bowl of steamed veggies, etc...

For us, ageing has changed the way we live in many ways..

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I cook and I plan, but I have given husband and my daughter Friday to cook and plan food. I do bulk haul of meat, flour and tins ones ever month and the menu is set for 1 month too. I am rather good on cooking with in the limits of the family, but I add stuff they dont know to the food and they eat it and I wont tell.

If I want to eat something I love and they dont, I cook something they love and I hate and then my favorite , we all get happy.
We plan the week's meals together. There are dishes that 1 of us likes a whole lot more than the other, so those are usually reserved for birthdays or other special days, or maybe we'll have 1meal he really likes and another meal I really like in a week. Fortunately, we nearly always agree on dishes we hate and will never make again. On the few we don't agree to hate, the other 1 has never liked it enough to have an issue on never making it again.
DH will eat just about anything I make, even if it's an experiment that didn't work out as well as I'd hoped :wub: In recent years, he's been more honest about about telling me when he doesn't like something. For the first 20 years we were married, there was something (I can't remember what now) I made regularly that he didn't like and he never told me [emoji38]

There are a few things he just doesn't like and won't eat - broccoli, cauliflower and green tomatoes, for example. I can't eat broccoli or cauliflower anyway, so no problem. I make things he doesn't like when he's not home for dinner. As with many people, he has discovered over the years that foods he thought he didn't like he actually enjoys when they're cooked differently - for example, broiled and roasted vegetables like asparagus and Brussels sprouts are much more delicious than boiled [emoji38]

I do most of the cooking and all of the baking. We both do the shopping; we use the Our Groceries app to keep a common grocery list. If I'm not feeling well or I'm really tired, he'll either offer to get pizza or Chinese or pitch in and make something. He has a few things he doesn't mind making, with the help of store-bought shortcuts - spaghetti with meat sauce, beef tacos, sloppy Joes, burgers. And we usually have an emergency frozen dinner available. DH does the cleanup when I cook.
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My wife and I can be summed up by the converse of Jack Sprat:

Jack Sprat('s wife)could eat no fat
And he could eat no lean
So betwixt the two of them
They licked the platter clean.
Mrs. T happily eats whatever I decide to make, and enjoys the dinner surprises. Around 5 o'clock she'll ask "What's for dinner?". I've always done the majority of cooking and menu planning, and dinners during the working years were things that could be quickly put on the table. Since I cut back to part time work over 4 years ago, I've had a lot more time to explore new recipes. Fortunately there aren't too many things that she won't eat. We have similar tastes in food, generally lower fat and salt items, and meals are pretty well balanced. Things like bacon wrapped fatties would never appear on the table. We're both pretty active and have no fear of carbs. Mrs. T has happily not cooked a meal or seen the inside of a grocery store in over 4 years.
Thankfully, Souschef and I like and dislike the same foods. I found out before we were married he also detested brussel sprouts, so I knew he might be the one for me.:wub: Seriously though, our tastes are so similar he's very easy to cook for with one exception. I need to be careful with excessive capsicum as his tolerance is lower than mine.

He seems to enjoy helping me in the kitchen as I cook the meals and that makes me a really happy home cook. :chef:
He does all of the supermarket shopping much better than I ever did, and I enjoy the shopping at Trader Joe's.
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My wife will eat anything I make, except for fried egg sandwiches.
On the rare occasion that Jeannie decides to visit the working end of the kitchen, she makes a truly delicious fried egg sandwich.. :yum:

No idea what she does that I don't but hers are better by far...


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