Regular Lasagna Noodles vs. Fresh

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Assistant Cook
Oct 23, 2012
Hi all:

I have a recipe, "Rich Chicken Soup with Fresh Noodles," but am finding out how hard it is to come by fresh noodles in my local grocery stores. I looked online, and yes, you ca order them, but not without a hefty shipping fee.

My question is, is using regular lasagna noodles okay? Which brand if any, regular noodles would best taste like fresh?

I would appreciate hearing your responses and experiences!

Did you look in your deli section? They usually have fresh linguini and fettucini noodles there. You don't feel like making your own? There are lots of recipes and tips on here (look up making your own pasta).
Bertoli or some similar mainstream brand always has it in the fridge section by me. Try asking the grocer. You can also try the local Italian market
If you can't find fresh pasta and don't want to make your own, you have a choice. Use dry noodles and toss them in the soup to cook. I don't imagine you'll taste the difference.

I appreciate these very helpful suggestions and never thought about looking in the deli section-that was a good thought. I may also look closer in the fridge section.
You can make pasta using semolina and water at home...very easy.

Just mix both to an almost dry (when pea-sized formations start occuring in the mix) then roll with a rolling pin if thats all you have. Cut to size and let it dry overnight and voila!

That's a very simplified way of doing it, but would be suitable for the dish you're making.

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