Rescued Pets

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Cheryl J said:
Wow...I've read through this thread over the past couple of days - so many animal rescue folks here! Love the pics you all have posted. :wub:

Here is my boy, Ozzie. He will always be remembered - he was such a loving and loyal friend. He passed away in my arms last July, after almost 17 years. :( I think I may have put his pic up before but here he is again. He was an amazing fella. We got him from the animal shelter when he was just a pup. :wub:

What a cutie :) RIP
Thank you all so much for your comments...I'm startin' to get all teary eyed again. Chopper, it's funny....he used to always lay with his legs crossed like that! :) It was hard to lose him but on the other hand, he was one of the ones who had a great, long life with his original adoptive humans. Can't ask for much more than that.

I hope to get another dog someday. :wub:
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So yesterday, I was coming off a massive migraine headache. I called my son to go to the store for me. Now normally, when he takes Teddy out, he has his own agenda of where he wants to go. Up Bryon Street, down the hill, a roll in the grass, and then around the corner to the front door. But my son justed wanted to get here. So he stops Teddy from going up Bryon Street and heads straight to my front door. Down goes Teddy's head and he starts to walk real slow. Dragging on the leash. Well, that wasn't working, so he lays down on the sidewalk. My son makes him stand up and start walking. Aha! I know what will get me my own way. He flops down on his side as if he was sick. Still not working to Teddy's liking. Now he flops down on his back with all four feet in the air. So my son says, "Want to go up the hill?" That dog sprang to life as if a miracle had occurred. But he got fooled. My son continued on the route he wanted to go. Directly to my door. So Teddy starts his routine all over again. By the time he was ready for the four feet in the air, they were at my door. He comes into the apartment and gives me a dirty look as if it was all my fault and heads right into the bathroom. Now I never close my bathroom door. Why should I? I live alone. All of a sudden I notice that the light from the bathroom is not shining out into the room. That liitle petulant, spoiled brat shut the door with his paw. Now it comes time for him to go home. He is not through showing us who is boss. My son calls him, whistles, calls, whistles. No response. He goes into the bathroom and shakes him. No response. Opens one eye and closes it again. Finally my son opens the exit door and Teddy dashes out of the bathroom. He is ready to go home.

Now you ask, why didn't he just pick the dog up? In my son's words, "He has four legs, I have only two." :angel:Such an angel!
That is so cute really, it is amazing how much they really are like us

What type of breed is he Addie?
Addie, Teddy reminds me of my little doggie (long gone) who hurt her leg once. It gave her a limp. But then she kept on limping and limping off and on. I took her back to our vet, who examined her, and asked if we picked her up and otherwise coddled her when she limped. Well, yes. "Nothing wrong with her, she's just working you. She limps, she gets a reward. Ignore it, it will go away." Yes, it did. She really knew that limping got her what she wanted.
Addie, Teddy reminds me of my little doggie (long gone) who hurt her leg once. It gave her a limp. But then she kept on limping and limping off and on. I took her back to our vet, who examined her, and asked if we picked her up and otherwise coddled her when she limped. Well, yes. "Nothing wrong with her, she's just working you. She limps, she gets a reward. Ignore it, it will go away." Yes, it did. She really knew that limping got her what she wanted.
We babysat Quincy, a chow, while her person was on vacation. She had been in a car accident and had a front leg amputated. She got sympathy from her person for walking and sitting funny and having trouble with stairs.

But, she figured out right away that she would get more points with us if she was brave dog. So, no sitting funny or walking funny when I was around. She even ran up the outdoor, back stairs (a very open spiral staircase).
That is so cute really, it is amazing how much they really are like us

What type of breed is he Addie?

He is a purebred Maltese. But I love him to death. He is two years old. I used to have his pic for my avatar. I should use it again. :angel:


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OMG, I just thought of Hootie today. Hootie was a cocker spaniel (he has since crossed over to Rainbow Bridge). Hootie was a gorgeous black cocker spaniel. His owner decided she no longer wanted him. Rescue was full, the shelter was full. She couldn't wait. Her solution was to tie him in the driveway and run over him with the car. A neighbor intervened. Hootie didn't die, but he had several broken bones, etc. Fast forward, a cocker spaniel rescue group took him in from the HS. Fast forward again, a couple in Ottawa, ON that loved, loved, loved Cockers were looking to adopt a dog. I did the home visit--lovely people, good home except they lived on the 10th floor of a condo building. The wife worked for an embassy, as did the husband. They had another cocker, had a "sand pit" set up in the diningroom for the dog if it needed to go out at night. Had steps made so the dog could get on the bed. They made their environment work. They loved their cocker and obviously were willing to make concessions. I said "yes" to the home being a good home for Hootie (never regretted that).

Fast forward again, Hootie came to Canada and lived with them (I picked him up in Syracuse after he'd had some surgeries, etc.). He did regain the use of his back legs, but it was a long process. He was a great companion for these folks. They adopted 2 more special needs' cockers after Hootie. Moral of the story is that one should not get a pet if one cannot keep a 12-year or so commitment.

Ironic thing about Hootie--he wasn't afraid of cars and he still loved people--go figure. He's at Rainbow Bridge--he might be on the judging committee re: people that get to spend eternity at Rainbow Bridge. I hope he casts a vote in my favor when I'm waiting to cross Rainbow Bridge!
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Addie: Maltese

Buon Giorno, Addie, Good Morning.

Thanks for your feedback. My friend Philippa in Hoboken, New Jersey used to have an adorable Maltese. Cutie ... Thanks for posting photo, and I remember when this photo had been your Avatar.

Have lovely August.
Thanks for all the other contributions though one of these contributions, brought forth by Cws:

I have personally not finished reading in total, due to the craziness and mentally insane actions of the unknown psychos being written about ... ( Not the Forum Members )

Just too heavy. Really horrendous ... what people do to animals.

Have nice August.
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Buon Giorno, Addie, Good Morning.

Thanks for your feedback. My friend Philippa in Hoboken, New Jersey used to have an adorable Maltese. Cutie ... Thanks for posting photo, and I remember when this photo had been your Avatar.

Have lovely August.

My son mentioned to me the other day that you can tell he is an outside dog. His nose is black. When his breed is kept inside, the nose is pink. That is why you see a lot of dogs at dog shows with pink noses. They are pampered to death.
Tax Lady,

I am very fond of Chows ... They have quite a "brava" ... Braveness in stature too and lovely fur ... We have friends who have an old Red fellow ... He is a unique canine too.

Have nice August.
CW, we know how pets can give us so much love. But they also have such a large capacity to forgive. :angel:
Hootie had that capacity.

I heard on NPR that counties in NY state are tightening up on animal cruelty laws. Hootie, fwiw, was in New Jersey, sent to a rescue group in MD, given a ride to NY state by a Newf breeder in PA, and driven from there by an ON rescue volunteer. Not quite 36 people, but darned near if you count the neighbour who intervened, the vet who treated him, etc., etc.
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Buon Giorno, Good Morning Ladies,

Dogs have an enormous capacity to forgive ... They know when someone is disturbed and they are extraordinairely sensitive to people suffering.

However, Cats possess an elephant´s memory and are not at all forgiving nor are Elephants or Horses or Donkies or Bulls, Cows, Cattle.

They never forget a wrong. I had lived with four cats throughout my lifetime ( to 1992 ).

Thanks for feedback.

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