Saturday Night's All Right! What's Up 11/15/14?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 12, 2011
Fusion style here. My crockpot "refried" black beans turned out great, so will mix some of them with Spanish rice from the freezer and the leftover Creole style okra from the other day. A bit of chicken stock to thin it out. Serve with Tostitos and some sour cream.

What are you having?
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Mrs K is doing her annual girls' weekend out with her sister and sister-in-law. She's down in Iowa, and I am home alone. There's a nice piece of salmon in the fridge that I'll probably do something with tonight.

Afterward a buddy and I are going to go see the new "Dumb and Dumber" movie. Yes, I fully expect it will be mind-numbing, but sometimes that's okay. Besides, it's exactly the type of movie that my wife would refuse to go see, so now's my opportunity :rolleyes:
Today's Dinner, Old Recipe from Grandma

Hey all,
I havent been here in some time, it seems that I mostly visit this great site when the temps drop and I start to bake. Anyways, glad to be back. Tonight I made a roasted chicken my cousin gave me from his coop. At any given point he has 80 chickens running around his backyard, its mayhem. Good eggs though. My grandmother makes the best roasted chicken with few simple ingredients. I attached some pics of the process. Last pic is my son hiding from the camera.


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Hey all,
I havent been here in some time, it seems that I mostly visit this great site when the temps drop and I start to bake. Anyways, glad to be back. Tonight I made a roasted chicken my cousin gave me from his coop. At any given point he has 80 chickens running around his backyard, its mayhem. Good eggs though. My grandmother makes the best roasted chicken with few simple ingredients. I attached some pics of the process. Last pic is my son hiding from the camera.

Thanks so much for the pictures....we all love pictures on this thread, and welcome back.

How great you have really fresh chickens!Your dinner looks deeeelish....:chef:
I made a big pan of lasagne, salad, garlic bread. I invited a friend to come over. About 10 minutes before she was to arrive, she called--her mother was having a seizure. I ended up going to her place to take care of her dogs. Still there. Her mother has been sent home from EMERG, but she's staying with her mom tonight and I'm staying with her dogs. The lasagne, etc., went in the fridge before I left to take care of her dogs. Good thing we have keys to each other's houses. I'm glad her mom's okay. Guess I'll portion the lasagne into freezer-sized meals.
Looks and sounds good katwill and repliers. I've thawed one of those lamb chops I showed earlier and it's now marinating in my lamb marinade also mentioned earlier. I'll broil the lamb chop. I drizzled some olive oil on a potato, sprinkled some coarse sea salt on it and wrapped it in foil. It's in the oven now. The sides are Del Monte french cut green beans and a romaine salad with Catalina dressing. A cut off the french roll too, of course.

I have the mint jelly too!
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My lamb was delicious. I added a little more minced garlic and broiled it one side no flip for 13 minutes. I need new mint jelly, my mint jelly has crystallized.
Katwill and Kay, thank you for sharing your scrumptious looking pics! :yum:
You are quite welcome. It was really good. Today I made meatballs and made sandwiches. Went to the local bakery and got really fresh Italian bread. Yum Yum. I love being home, I get to do work around the house and get creative in the kitchen. Recently left my job of 12 years and my wife picked up a few extra shifts at the hospital. I needed much time off for medical reasons and the job was not helping. anyway, I love being home, I have never been this happy and relaxed. I will commence seeking employment early January. Im rambling.. LOL.

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