Saturday Supper..7/28/18

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Seldom see skirt steak or see try-tip around here...
If you have a Price Chopper near you, watch their ads. They sometimes will advertise tri-tip roasts. As far as grocery store beef goes, theirs is pretty OK.

I made non-classic wedge salads (lettuce wedge, Hidden Valley buttermilk dressing, bacon crumbles, hard cooked egg, diced tomato. Served it up with cheesy garlic bread (got a little loaf of Italian for 50 cents and doctored it up). Dinner was then going to be some of the leftover chicken and jo-jo potatoes, along with green beans. Himself ended up with a thigh, I had the drumstick, and we split a can of Niblets corn.


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I have never cooked Hasselback potatoes. I don't own a black TransAm either... oh, thats Hasselhoff. :LOL:

I am intrigued by them. They look pretty darned good.


They are basically a baked potato but with slices in them..I use two chop sticks when slicing them..then, I cheat a bit and microwave them, covered in plastic for about three minutes to save myself a lot of oven time..season them to your liking and in the oven they go..I finished these ones with a bit of butter and parmesan cheese for the last 15 minutes..
I picked up a piece of skirt steak at Aldi the other day, since I was nearby volunteering for the master gardeners - I never see this cut anywhere else. So it's marinating in lime juice, canola oil, taco seasonings and a little soy sauce, per Kenji's recommendation. We'll be having fajitas tonight.
Turned out pretty good.
Looks delicious, GG.. :yum:

I find that Aldi has very good red meat.. I picked up a package of 3 Petite Sirloin's to grill this afternoon.

Thanks, Ross. I also got some country-style pork ribs that I'm going to throw on the smoker with the turkey breast that's on it now, and then finish them on the grill. Should be good! :yum:

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