Scarecrow the Tin Man Project (part 1)

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
Well, I finally finished my Scarecrow Tin Man project. If you count from when I actually got started on this thing it took me June, July and August to complete. Of that time about 80% or more in just staring at him wondering how I was going to do this... or that... or maybe I could...
All Hail google! was not really helpful, plenty of pictures but never clear instructions or if there were, not applicable in my case for one reason or another.

It sounded so simple when I first contemplated him :rolleyes:

Gather cans... Did not want to buy anything (ha!). First thing was to get 2 oval cans of ham for feet. Seeing as it's been at least 20 years since I bought one of those, the Price! Thank goodness for Dollar Store, less than 1/2 price .. wheee and whew!

Ham salad, Jambalaya, sandwiches, under poached egg, reach in the fridge and munch.. but I ate them both finally. :pig::ohmy:

Stack and then tape to see how he looks. Didn't like his head, had to buy some tomato juice, sigh... made aspic (mentioned on another thread ;)) ate that for almost 2 weeks, then very happily chucked the rest with its waving fungus fingers.
so I've just spent 15 minutes trying to turn him but all pictures were taken in portrait position due to his hegiht, so sorry, guess they will all be like that. :(


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part 2

Glue, tape, screw, wire - finally ready for paint...

I admit I had to buy some metal paint - found some car paint AFTER I was done..


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part 3

Had to rush the last of the paint. My son was returning from the cottage to go home much sooner than I expected. So he was still actually a bit tacky. Wrapped him in wax paper for the 6 hour trip home - Great Egg Forbid that I should cause paint inside his car!

So there he is in his new home guarding garden and rabbit hutch.

LOL - I doubt he'll ever have a sister, brother, cousin or otherwise... but never say never!

OMG :ROFLMAO: last 2 photo's are from my DIL's camera, harumph...:rolleyes:


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Thanks all. The satisfaction in finally finishing him was worth it. ( :blush: not to mention a little bit of preening with the accolades :blush: )

Kgirl, I'll have to ask them - if not I'm sure they will as soon as it's asked!

Did I mention? Aside from eating more ham in two weeks than in two years, and tomato aspic in probably 20 years, I also ate '3 bean salad' for 2 weeks - (arms and legs). :pig: burp.
That is one fantastic project. The things you have to do to create a work of art!

Your finished article looks very cheery.

Had to rush the last of the paint. My son was returning from the cottage to go home much sooner than I expected. So he was still actually a bit tacky. Wrapped him in wax paper for the 6 hour trip home - Great Egg Forbid that I should cause paint inside his car!

So there he is in his new home guarding garden and rabbit hutch.

LOL - I doubt he'll ever have a sister, brother, cousin or otherwise... but never say never!

OMG :ROFLMAO: last 2 photo's are from my DIL's camera, harumph...:rolleyes:
Those are so great!!!!
LOL... so I spoke with my son -

May I introduce to you...

Sgt. Tinothy McSteel

and no, his name is not mispelled.
(remember my son is a man of blue)

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