Selfish Wants

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
amber said:
Lets rehash what the original thread said, your suppose to come up with six things (material) for yourself. We all want things for others so those of you that said things about others, keep thinking of "material" things. At least I think this was goodweeds' intention of this thread?;)

Ok, minus the money thing and thing for my boyfirend...a 2006 Honda Civic Si 5 speed and with all accomodations I want and any upgrades I want for the car. I was trying to not be too selfish:angel: but that's not what this thread is about, huh? ;)
amber said:
Lets rehash what the original thread said, your suppose to come up with six things (material) for yourself. We all want things for others so those of you that said things about others, keep thinking of "material" things. At least I think this was goodweeds' intention of this thread?;)

1. Money
2. Money
3. Money
4. Money
5. Money
6. Money

Because there are more than 6 material things that I want.:-p
None of us are selfish here. We can still wish for things though, things we would really like for ourselves. It wont harm anyone else as goodweed mentioned. It's a hard question for most of us because we always want to DO for others before ourselves. What a good group of people ;)
1. lobsters
2. shrimp
3. crabs
4. oysters
5. clams
6. mussels

wait, you did say shellfish wants, didn'tya gw? :rolleyes:

happy new year, buddy.
LOL I didn't even notice that it was supposed to be 6 things, but I went back and counted and I had 6!

:) Barbara
OK - I would like a house on a cliff overlooking the ocean in the islands...A Yacht to sail around the world. Enough money to take care of my mom so she would not have to worry about money. I would like to be able to start a free clinic for those in need. Money to pay for my kids college. Enough money to make sure everyone had the basic needs of life.
wasabi said:
1. Money
2. Money
3. Money
4. Money
5. Money
6. Money

Because there are more than 6 material things that I want.:-p

LMAO, Very good answer, Wasabi!!

Okay, though I pretty much agree with wasabi, I will try to come up with my own reply!!

1. Ocean front property in Sardinia for Summer

2. Another nice house (house, not flat) with a nice garden in Roman suburb

3. An auto that hovers above ground when travel so we can just cruise over the traffic

4. Complete makeover of some of my physical aspect, with a proof of NOT turning into Michael Jackson II. (I am pretty happy with my fitness level, but there are some details I am not particularly happy about...)
I want a horse. A 66 Mustang.
My pre-pregnancy body. A mastiff,
my cat back. And my dad and my
brother-in-law back.
Adding to my list I would like a private luxury jet with a full time pilot as I want to be able to travel the world at any time I want.

Of course I want billions of dollars as well.
I'd like a beach house and to write and sell a best-selling novel.
Can't think of anything else "material" that I'd want.
So I suppose that if I get started on that novel, I might be able to buy that beach house with the profits!
Hey, a girl can dream, can't she?
I knew the types of answers that would come up on this topic before I even typed it in. It proves to the world that this is the best internet site on the planet. It also proves that there are truly great people still around, people who just aren't as worried about selfish wants as they are about the needs of others, and the needs of the planet. I'm glad to be a part of this forum.

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
hmm... what I want

- a Mercedes Benz 111 Coupe in darkred
- a nice little cannondale racing bike
- a farm near some water (big lake/sea/ocean)
- a healthy environment so our children will be able to see the Amazonas und the Arctis/Antarctis
- health for everyone esp. my family
buckytom said:
yup, if you participate in this site, you'll be as happy as a clam...:)

Methinks Bucky's hit da oyster bar one to many times. Kinda makes him almost like a cannibal.:ROFLMAO: Need to put him on deck swabin' duty. That'll make a proper sailor out of 'im.

What say ya, Bucky my boy? Think ya can swing a swab as good as ya swing yer jaw? Har har har:ROFLMAO:

Man, I crack myself up sometimes. But wait, nobody's laughin' with me. Hey, I'll have all of ya keelhauled ifn ya don't start catterwallin wit yer captain. Now start laughin'!:chris:

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
1. Know where I am going :angel:
2. A Loving Wife :winkiss:
3. Great Health to the end :bb:
4. A High IQ :smartass:
5. Friends who Love Me :bangin:
6. The Right Thing to Say and the Right Time to say it:eek:
7. And a 2007 Ford Mustang with all the bells and whistles along with unlimited Petrol. :whistling


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Maidrite said:
1. Know where I am going :angel:
2. A Loving Wife :winkiss:
3. Great Health to the end :bb:
4. A High IQ :smartass:
5. Friends who Love Me :bangin:
6. And a 2007 Ford Mustang with all the bells and whistles along with unlimited Petrol. :whistling
Hmmmm, I'll have you know that you already have a loving wife! Not that I couldn't stand a little improvement! And with an IQ of 145, what are you complaining about? LOL

:) Barbara
Purely selfish eh!....

1) a Much Bigger Lab on land that I own.
2) I want the Lab Fully stocked automaticly so I never have to re-order.
3) on this land I want an underground bunker storing in batteries the power from the solar panel array (I wanna live Off the Grid).
4) I want this place by the Sea or Ocean in a temperate clime but it Must snow on Christmas!
5) I want a Forest of Pine trees behind this property with a 1 acre patch of fertile land in the middle of it to grow my veggies.
6) I want a Big old Cannon that I can fire over the Sea on new years eve and get rid of all my Last years Christmas socks!

Seven.... (if I`m allowed), I WANT IT NOW! :)))
I couldn't really finish my list when I was posting, as I had to get off the computer at that moment... I need to add one more thing...

An obedient computer and whole set of softwares for it that would do anything I want it to do immediately without resisting, rebeling, and making me look like an eejit in general.
Maidrite said:
1. Know where I am going :angel:
2. A Loving Wife :winkiss:
3. Great Health to the end :bb:
4. A High IQ :smartass:
5. Friends who Love Me :bangin:
6. The Right Thing to Say and the Right Time to say it:eek:
7. And a 2007 Ford Mustang with all the bells and whistles along with unlimited Petrol. :whistling
Uhhh James,
get rid of 4,5,6..You already have those things in spades!!! As to the rest, those will come my friend those will come..

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