Similar Forum for parents??

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Chef Extraordinaire
Nov 6, 2007
Anyone know of any? I found this one from a crochet forum, maybe I can find something here....

I guess sort of a parenting forum, so I can discover some new ideas for occupying and raising these monsters... oops ..... angels.
There's one called CafeMoms that you might like.

Can I have the URL of the crochet one please?
LOL! Thanks so much! My daughter and I need a reference as all we can manage are blankets and dishcloths at the moment.
No problem !
BTW I'm suzidemars over there, I had no imagination when I made up my handle that day. :huh:
Nope, no relation. Just somethin a co-worker used to call me.

Kinda looks like it says queasy the way I have it spelled tho.......

Oh well. I'm feelin' jus fine!:cool:

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