So, how do you like my new glasses?

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Master Chef
Oct 17, 2004
Southern Illiniois
I tthought they cost way too much, but after a I asked around, I found that I got a very reasonable price. I need progressive transitional lenses, which adds a lot to the price.


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They look great on you.

My glasses have the invisible bioficals with a dark tint which also serve as sun glasses due to my sensitivity to light. My frames are made of a light weight titanium.

The cost for the glasses, not including the eye exam was $500.00
I like em'. I have progressive, transitions too, Yup. Not cheap.
It reminds me of my first pair when I was 30.(20+ yrs ago) I thought I'd be the only one in the family that would escape them. NOT!
But if you remember Sally Jessie Rapheal, with her red rimmed specs. Those were my first pair. I thought they looked great til someone said I looked like an old lady! Maybe I should look for them now. LOL!
Those look great on you Constance.

I like em'. I have progressive, transitions too, Yup. Not cheap.

Me too. This last time I got the kind with magnetic clip on sunglasses so I wouldn't have to buy prescription sunglasses...still cost an extra $60.
Don't I wish, Jeekinz!

I paid $500, including the exam, which seemed awfully high to me, but these are the first I've bought without insurance in many years, and I guess I just didn't realize how things have gone up. They fit perfectly and I can see great, though...and I really like them.
They look great! When I had conventional lenses, mine always cost so much more than the advertised price because my prescription was so complicated. I can't even imagine what a pair would cost me now.

I don't have them because my vision can't be adequately corrected with conventional lenses anyway. I do just as well with nothing! :ohmy:
Pretty chic!!!! Kinda look like the glasses hubby got. He looks so cute in them, but he wont wear them!
Tres Chic, Constance! They are sooo flattering and I thought "Meryl Streep" too the minute I saw the pic! (Although with your gorgeous eyes, you'd probably look great even in coke-bottle glasses!)
As a lifetime glasses wear-er, I love seeing new looks. I had a hard time adjusting to the smaller lenses that started being in style a decade or so ago, but finally gave in a few years back, and I love the fact that they don't steam up as badly as the larger lenses used to. They are also easier to keep in place (with astigmatism, especially as extreme as mine, the placement of the lens over your eye makes a large difference in your vision), don't slide down the nose as badly as the larger lenses. For awhile I had a wardrobe of glasses (remember, I've been wearing glasses every waking moment since I was about 4 years old and walked into a door frame, and actually a few sleeping moments as well!), but as others have mentioned, glasses now cost more than contacts.

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