Sorry, But Your Cat Is Actually A Total Jerk

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The moment I laid eyes on Monkey in a cage in the vet's office, I knew the little 9 week old black fireball was sizing me up as a way out. Sure enough, I couldn't get her out of my mind and went back the next day. When she got in the house she owned it.

No, you never own a cat. :LOL:
My Cats must be jerks because they allow me to live in there house. ;)

I know that once I stop serving them they will kick me out on the street.


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Zagut, your babies are gorgeous and I love their names. I am guessing they are sisters. They look content so I don't think you have anything to worry about... for awhile, anyway! ;)
LPBeier. Yes they are sisters. But I'm not sure about nothing to worry about. I bought them a different brand of food and the looks I got have me worried. :ermm:

Taxlady, The one in front with the arrogant look is Ethel and she's the shy one.

And yes those of us who have cats are staff. :( (But we love it.)
Zagut----- do your kitties, Ethel and Lucy have a brother named Ricky? Or Fred? (grin)
That link took me to a Google Error page...

Man, you're FAST! :) I tried posting a url for just one pic out of a series that had just been sent to me from a non-DC user (coincidence, no?) and it didn't work so I deleted it within about 60 seconds!

I'll try to find it as a stand alone---- but ya know what they say---- if you have to explain a joke.......:)

Not that I know of Cave.

But when I get back to the house in the evening I do enjoy opening the door and saying "Lucy I'm Home" ;)

BTW the link is still funny.
Man, you're FAST! :) I tried posting a url for just one pic out of a series that had just been sent to me from a non-DC user (coincidence, no?) and it didn't work so I deleted it within about 60 seconds!

I'll try to find it as a stand alone---- but ya know what they say---- if you have to explain a joke.......:)

I'm just sitting around waiting for things to happen...:LOL: It was still funny.

Latté still stuffs her head in my shoes and fights them.
This is our little Monkey a few days after we got her. Don't let the crate, collar and lead fool you. She went in there on her own accord, uses the lead as a toy and has pretty much run the place since the second she arrived!


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I love the photos of Lucy, Ethel, and Monkey! Yes, I've seen "I Love Lucy" and I loved the show.

I must post photos of Misty and Kali for you!

That link is very funny!

With love,
~Misty and Kali's Public Relations Officer

Not that I know of Cave.

But when I get back to the house in the evening I do enjoy opening the door and saying "Lucy I'm Home" ;)


I'm glad that 'joke' still made some people giggle.

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