Spice Rack

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Hi Quicksilver,

No, I don't do any farming, however, I do have a small garden.
At one time there were a lot of farms and cattle ranches around here, but they have been overtaken by the housing industry.

There are a few cattle ranches left which is evidenced by the smells enveloping the town; especially in summer.

Fortunately for me the fires are far north of the Inland Empire at this time. We do get fires in the Inland Empire but in my little town we are more prone to floods and devastating sand storms.

Thanks for the inquery and for the warm welcome!!

Much Cinnamon, Anise, and Nutmeg!!:)

Hi Babe,

A good morning to you and thanks for the welcoming.

My friend and I will be up your way in August to visit the Herb Gardens and the Exotic Fruit Tree Nurseries (Actually we are going to Vista, but I believe that's near you). I had thought that I wanted a Papaya Tree and a Mango tree but after reading about the conditions needed to grow those two fruits, I opted for the Guava instead.

Last night, after searching for months, I was finally able to find some tarragon at the Home Depot store.

I hope to be able to pick up some valerian and other hard to find herbs while in Vista.

Again, thanks for the welcoming and-
much Basil, Thyme and Rosemary to you!!:)
Welcome, Jenois! You will find this a warm and friendly place - lots of good ideas to brighten your day and your spirit. Mangos grow very well where I live, but it is tropical here. The mango season is just winding down, and a friend brought us two big bags this morning. I also love guava (guyaba in Mexico). I use it for making a wonderful beverage we call agua fresca. Why don't you plant a lemon tree? Or lime?
LadyCook 61

Hi LadyCook 61,

Thanks for the welcome.

As you can probably tell, I am not proficient at using these computer formus yet, but bear with me, I will get there. (Hopefully sooner than later.)

Much Parsley, Marjoram, and Sage to you!!:)

Hi MexicoKaren,

Thanks for the friendly welcome.

Yes, limes and lemos do taste good, however neither has the taste nor gives the challenge of growing as mangos or papayas.

Your agua fresca sounds good!! I'll make it using guavas from a friend in Rancho Cucamonga!


Many clementines, tangerines, and tangelos to you!!

Not a professional Chef am I.

Loving to try new receipes I do.

a fan of Yoda you are, no?;)

Welcome aboard to this wonderful group!
I'm so glad to hear you found your tarragon - I know how frustrating it is to be searching! I never did find my yellow bells I needed and now it's too late in my garden to plant seeds.

Speaking of Vista, one of our most wonderful members is originally from there, Barbara L - you'll hear from her soon, no doubt.

As for me, I'm just W of the IE, but still in the 909.
...My friend and I will be up your way in August to visit the Herb Gardens and the Exotic Fruit Tree Nurseries (Actually we are going to Vista, but I believe that's near you). I had thought that I wanted a Papaya Tree and a Mango tree but after reading about the conditions needed to grow those two fruits, I opted for the Guava instead.

Last night, after searching for months, I was finally able to find some tarragon at the Home Depot store.

I hope to be able to pick up some valerian and other hard to find herbs while in Vista...

Hi Jenois,

Hopefully this will work this time--I typed out my whole reply a few minutes ago, but when I hit send, it disappeared!

I have lived in South Carolina since October 1996, but I am from Vista (born in San Diego, but moved to Vista when I was almost 15, and it is home to me). We used to get phone calls all the time from people trying to get ahold of one of the exotic plant nurseries in Vista (our numbers were similar). I'm sure you will find a lot of nice plants there. We lived near a couple of the exotic plant nurseries. One, a few blocks from us, grew Bird of Paradise. I loved going by there.

I was in Vista a few months ago to see my family. Babetoo and I made plans to meet, but because of unchangeable plans on both our parts, we had to postpone until my next visit out there. It would be neat if you two could get together for lunch or something!

Have you been to Vista before? If you have any questions about the area, feel free to PM me. If I don't know the answers (a lot has changed since I left!), I can call my daughter, who still lives there.

Welcome to DC! If you haven't already gotten your official welcome from me (our Welcome Letter), you will get it later today.

P.S. One of my favorite radio stations, when I lived in Vista, was an oldies station in the Inland Empire. I can't remember the name, and they may have changed, but they had the best mix of oldies!
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Hi jkat,

Thanks for the "welcome aboard".

I agree, this is a wonderful group.

I did not expect everyone to be so thoughtful!!

I wish you could have found your yellow bells:(!

Many Chilis, Anaheims, and Serrano's to you!
Was it KOLA?
Yes, I'm pretty sure that is it. Are they still there? Do they still play great music? They didn't just play the same old things all the time. They played the top hits, but they also played some obscure ones you couldn't hear anywhere else.


Hi kitchenelf ;)!

Thanks, for the welcome.

I am really enjoying this site. The only problem is that I have to leave the computer and go do some work!! (everyone should be so lucky, right?)

Many happy thoughts to you!

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