Stray Thoughts 2.0

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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This is what energetic looks like after two weeks with our kids and a long drive home - arrival sometime around 6:00 AM because we are lousy travelers - yup, still in my nightgown while watching the early evening news:


  • 2016-07-13 17.46.39.jpg
    2016-07-13 17.46.39.jpg
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I've never been one to stay in my jammies. Not even when I'm sick. But today? It just seems easier to go from one nightgown to another when I finally get around to showering. Soon, very soon.
I've never been one to stay in my jammies. Not even when I'm sick. But today? It just seems easier to go from one nightgown to another when I finally get around to showering. Soon, very soon.

When I have a "do nothing" day, I tell myself, "there is always later." Sometimes we just deserve a "do nothing" day. :angel:
This is very true for me, even after 35+ years working in education:

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"My kids", some of whom are now in their 40's, are still "my kids." As are "their kids", and now there are some grandkids.
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Yep...same here. Every once in a while I run into one of my "kids" who are now married and have littles of their own. Just happened yesterday. :wub:
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You know how it is when you plan out something in your mind, and it looks perfect, and you take things apart and move them around and set them back in some semblance of new order...and then you just really don't like the end result? *sigh* I hate when that happens...
Yep, I know the feeling, CG. I re-arranged the guest room recently, but then the wall art looked odd, but I didn't want to hammer any more nail holes in the walls. So I moved everything back the way it was. :huh::LOL:
Well fer cryin' out loud...

I swear I saw an Off Topic thread earlier this evening. I even posted in it. Sure there were a few snarky comments, but by the end of the thread the OP had seemed to concede some of the issues. And I wanted to make a second post...but it's gone. Hmmmm. Methinks with some careful editing that thread might have been a teaching moment for all of us...

Then again, it's possible that we're all just unteachable. :(
I swear I saw an Off Topic thread earlier this evening. I even posted in it. Sure there were a few snarky comments, but by the end of the thread the OP had seemed to concede some of the issues. And I wanted to make a second post...but it's gone. Hmmmm. Methinks with some careful editing that thread might have been a teaching moment for all of us...

Then again, it's possible that we're all just unteachable. :(

Have you Searched at the top of this page Off Topic Discussions? I usually find what I am looking for when I go there. :angel:
I was trying to catch a stray thought one day, but it ran out in the street and got run over by a cement truck. I decided right then to let any others I stumbled across to run free. ;)
I swear I saw an Off Topic thread earlier this evening. I even posted in it. Sure there were a few snarky comments, but by the end of the thread the OP had seemed to concede some of the issues. And I wanted to make a second post...but it's gone. Hmmmm. Methinks with some careful editing that thread might have been a teaching moment for all of us...

Then again, it's possible that we're all just unteachable. :(

Everybody is teachable. It's just that some of us take so much longer to learn. Ask me how I know this. :LOL:

Stray thought #4127: Ever notice how all the arid areas of the world go around the globe in a circle and that's where all the deserts are? I wonder why?
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I don't remember what I was looking for, but I used to use Alta Vista even before Yahoo! Now Yahoo! is on its death bed.

I used Alta Vista and before that, Veronica, Jughead and VLib. Google far surpassed all of them for comprehensiveness a long time ago, which is why it's on top.
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