Sunday Dinner - Sept 2/12

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Moderator Emeritus
May 10, 2002
Edmonton, Alberta
Beer can chicken, garden potatoes, carrots and onions tossed in balsamic vinegar and oil and baked beside the chicky. Joe's Coleslaw and some green beans round out the meal. Blueberry oatmeal spice cake with brown sugar fudge icing for dessert.
Cabbage Rolls, ( i wonder where I got that idea?) Pierogi and Kielbasa, does anyone else pronounce it "koo baa sa" ? My DH calls it that he say because he had Ukrainian friends that did!
Well I digress.....I feel like there should be some veg here besides the cabbage......
Sounding like a broken record but we went back to Food For Though again. I think I'm going to ask for my own table LOL next time I'm there. I had a huge salad with apples, pecans, dried cranberries and blue cheese and then the swordfish with asparagus and broccoli (sorry I finished the salad and had at the asparagus before I realized I hadn't taken a picture. SO had the pot roast with mashed potatoes, asparagus, and broccoli.


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Cabbage Rolls, ( i wonder where I got that idea?) Pierogi and Kielbasa, does anyone else pronounce it "koo baa sa" ? My DH calls it that he say because he had Ukrainian friends that did!
Well I digress.....I feel like there should be some veg here besides the cabbage......

In Edmonton, you'd be hard pressed to find someone who DOESN'T call it kubasa. Probably most of Alberta calls it that. Of course, Mundare, Alberta is home to the giant kubasa. Mundare Attractions - Giant Kubasa for Town of Mundare
Alix said:
In Edmonton, you'd be hard pressed to find someone who DOESN'T call it kubasa. Probably most of Alberta calls it that. Of course, Mundare, Alberta is home to the giant kubasa. Mundare Attractions - Giant Kubasa for Town of Mundare

Alix, thanks so much! I now feel vindicated. People at work look at me like I'm nuts when I say Kubasa, even one girl who lived in Calgary for 8 years said she had never heard it called that. Oh well at least I know DH wasn't just "pulling my leg"!
Alix, thanks so much! I now feel vindicated. People at work look at me like I'm nuts when I say Kubasa, even one girl who lived in Calgary for 8 years said she had never heard it called that. Oh well at least I know DH wasn't just "pulling my leg"!

You're welcome Somebunny, its pretty common around here. We also say "perohe" instead of "perogy". It's my understanding that its a Ukrainian vs Polish thing. The letter that looks like "g" has a soft sound in Ukrainian and a more glottal sound in Polish. Same word, and spelling but the letter is pronounced differently.

CALGARY! Well that explains it! Those folks are crazy! :angel: (Today is the Labour Day Classic football game between Edmonton and Calgary so its Boo Calgary all day today!)
I guess it would be "Boo Calgary" since they won :-( we don't watch a lot of football here (hockey fans) but I guess I would be a Lions fan, I met Geroy Simon when I interviewed him for his passport . Nice guy...... Sorry about the loss Alix ;-)
It was ouchy to lose by one point, but we'll get 'em on Friday at the rematch. I had all the "boys" over after the game for a BBQ and firepit. It was lovely!

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