Sunday Dinner Thread - 6/4/2017

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I had a steamed artichoke and a mango. Kind of tired this evening and the kitchen was all cleaned up, so I wanted something easy.
My refrigerator was a wall of produce. We had huge salads with lots of stuff. I had some cornbread with mine, Himself had some of the baguette I got for him. At least we didn't blow all our calories on food, so we can have nice pieces of Boston Cream Pie once we burp.


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Looks delicious, CG! :yum:

I know what you mean, I'm hoping to be able to use up all the produce I've got, too. I often go overboard when it comes to fruits and veggies. Good thing Tyler loves them too - he'll be here all day for the next 3 days, so he'll put a good sized dent in what I've got left. :)
Weeell, I'm eating it now, but it doesn't have that yummy plum flavor I'm used to from Chinese restaurants. I think that's because I used plum sauce from a jar, so the next time I think I'll look for plum jam and make my own sauce. I also didn't make enough sauce. The recipe was supposed to cover two chicken breasts, but it was barely enough for one.

So, edible, but needs a lot of tweaking.

I didn't baste the chicken breasts with the sauce. I just pooled a little sauce on the bottom and laid the chicken breast on it, and poured the rest of the sauce over it. I will say, it certainly caramelizes nice, though.
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Went to "Cuba" for dinner!;) Grilled chicken which was marinated in homemade sour orange mojo, black beans, rice and maduros.:yum:
I had leftover grilled rib eye and baked potato, with a salad and some thin mint cookies. Have enough steaks left over that I can have a couple of steak and cheese quesadillias for supper tonight, along with a salad.

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