Sunday Special - Who, What, Where, etc..

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
Sunday Special - Who, What, Where, etc..

1. What Am I ?
I am a metal alloy.
I am hardy and resistant.
I contain up to 25% tin.
I was first made around 3000 B.C.

Most “copper” coins are actually made of me.

2. What Am I ?
I am a game.
I am also a professional sport.
I require a lot of patience.
Mark Twain supposedly called me “A good walk spoiled.”

3. Where Am I ?
I am in the United States.
I am in a part of a prominent city.
I am the birthplace of Tony Curtis and Jake La Motta.
I was named for a Scandinavian who moved here in 1639.
Edgar Allan Poe lived here.
My zoo is famous.

4. What Am I ?
I am an element and a gas.
In cosmic abundance, I rank sixth.
I am necessary to life.
I am an important part of protein.
I am colorless, tasteless, and odorless.
I am 78% of air.

5. Who Am I ?
I am an actress.
I was born in California in 1928.
I act, sing, and tap dance.
In Bright Eyes I sang a famous song about candy.
When I left movies, I married Mr. Black.
I had a post as a U.S. Ambassador in Ghana.

6. Who Am I ?
I am an Academy Award-winning actor.
The noted Sanford Meisner was my coach.
I once shared a Dorm room with Dustin Hoffman.
I starred in the movie M*A*S*H.
I won my Best Actor Oscar for my role in Tender Mercies.

Though not a ghost, in To Kill a Mocking Bird I was “Boo.”

7. Where Am I ?
I am a U.S. city.
I am one of the first cities in the country.
Religious exiles founded me in 1636.

I am home to Brown University.
My name means “divine guidance.”

8. Where Am I ?
I am a U.S. state.
My coast has breathtaking scenery.
I was admitted to the Union as the 33rd state.
I am home to a famous Shakespeare Festival.
Lewis and Clark reached my major River in 1805.
My motto is “She flies with her own wings.”

9. What Am I ?
I am a food item.
People enjoy me for breakfast.
Thompson’s Machine could make 200 to 400 of me in an hour.
I’m often associated with New York City.
My taste may vary, but I am always well rounded.

10. Who Am I ?
I am a fictional character.
My television series premiered in 1997.
I battle demons and forces of darkness.
I am an enemy to bloodsuckers.
I live in Sunnydale, California.
My high school sits atop “Hellmouth.”

11. What Am I ?
I am an animal.
I am a specific domestic breed.
Germans first bred me to hunt badgers.
I am strong, hardy and alert.
My glossy coat is usually black and tan.

My name means “badger hound.”

12. What Am I ?
I am among the most common of all organisms.
I can be beneficial to mankind, but also can be deadly.
I am used to make yogurt, vinegar, and sauerkraut.
I help in the cycling of chemicals in nature.

13. What Am I ?
I am a U.S. geographic landmark.
I am located where the Sun doesn’t shine.
My Big Room could hold six football fields.

I was designated a national park in 1930.
The overwhelming majority of my inhabitants are Mexican free-tails.
I lie at the base of the Guadalupe Mountains in New Mexico.

14. Where Am I ?
I am a U.S. city.
I was the western terminus of the Pony Express.
Four of my merchants financed the Central Pacific Railroad.
The Gold Rush made my population boom.
You can find me where Interstates 5 and 80 meet.
I am sometimes referred to as the River City.

15. What Am I ?
I am a dance.
There are many versions of me.
I got my start at European formal parties.
I am usually danced in moderately fast triple time.
My dancers move in a series of circles.

1. I am Bronze
2. I am Golf
3. I am the Bronx
4. I am Nitrogen
5. I am Shirley Temple
6. I am Robert Duvall
7. I am Providence
8. I am Oregon
9. I am a Bagel
10. I am Buffy the Vampire Slayer
11. I am a Dachshund
12. I am Bacteria
13. Carlsbad Caverns
14. I am Sacramento
15. I am the Waltz

Correct in red...all before my coffee.:)

1. I am Bronze

2. I am Golf
3. I am the Bronx
4. I am Nitrogen
5. I am Shirley Temple
6. I am Robert Duvall
7. I am Providence
8. I am Oregon
9. I am a Bagel
10. I am Buffy the Vampire Slayer
11. I am a Dachshund
12. I am Bacteria
13. Carlsbad Caverns
14. I am Sacramento
15. I am the Waltz
I got the ones in red:

1. I am Bronze
2. I am Golf
3. I am the Bronx
4. I am Nitrogen
5. I am Shirley Temple
6. I am Robert Duvall
7. I am Providence
8. I am Oregon
9. I am a Bagel
10. I am Buffy the Vampire Slayer
11. I am a Dachshund
12. I am Bacteria
13. Carlsbad Caverns
14. I am Sacramento
15. I am the Waltz
Well played, Ladies !

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