The Person Below Me

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
not so much lately - self employed computer consultant. Folks are not fixing compys if they don't have to and many are paying more slowly.

TPBM - is enjoying a cup of coffee.
I usually do.... can't afford many extra veggies this year until mine grow. I hope they hurry!!

TPBM watches Sesame Street.
Already did some... until the moon sand started flying... I'll have to finish in there later....

TPBM wants to bake more bread!
I wasn't because my boss was going to give me more hours... but he doesn't seem to be in a hurry and I am so I have to keep going. :(

TPBM skipped breakfast and is starving.
Side question answered...
Some genuis made up this crumbly sand stuff that sticks together (however not when my kids play it) :ermm:
And some other genius I am related to decided to give it to my kids for Christmas. :glare:

No dinner thoughts yet..

TPBM thinks moon sand is a MESS!!!!


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only if its not on the moon!!!!!

TPBM has a great vaccuum cleaner I could borrow.....
I'm afraid that mine is in the process of running up the white flag from following the two labs around. I do however, have a pretty good shop vac.

TPBM - is anticipating nap time.
Yes, with DH. But it has only rained once all summer. :-(

TPBM is looking for a good zucchini bread recipe.

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