The Person Below Me

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no.. I'm locked in the office with the little plug in heater blowing on me...

still likes Rudolph cuz, it's a darn cute show
probably could be if some little girl could stop being terrible 2 sometome before she's 6.

TPBM would LOVE a rewind button!
not as much as I'd like an "UNSEND" button

really wishes things didn't have so many buttons...
lol, dont take this wrong, you sound like my mother!!!

TPBM has tried convincing a 3 yr old to be happy by giving out pretzels.
I always used M &M's cuz, I like them better... see why I can't teach selflessness??

really wants Quiet
sorta.... but I'll just fall asleep!

TPBM tries really hard to want to stay awake!
no i really really want to fall asleep

can't quit the thoughts from running wild in her brain
got that right. I need a stop strip like the cops have....

TPBM has sore shoulders.
"got that right. I need a stop strip like the cops have...." Wouldn't that pop all those bubbles??

Yes and my neck and tummy are sore too... is this a bad sign of things to come?

is going to miss me tomorow....:)
yeah. I dont get workTrish on fridays either. :(
(LOL I call you 'puterTrish and she's workTrish)

TPBM will hope my MIL is in a good mood for me tomorrow to get me outta my funk.
yes I will! I hope she's feeling better too and doesn't give you the gunk she had.

will get good coffee tomorrow
I have no cute little blonde guys! It's kind of sad.

is lucky to have three.. she gets lots of hugs!
yeah. and lots of b****ing.

TPBM will excuse me while I act like I can draw a mermaid and con a little girl into bed a half hour early for my own sanity!
well, i did, but i'm back, but i will be going again soon. does that count?

TPBM loves coffee!!
I do. Starbucks is on the list of places to go today!

is not looking forward to this weekends weather... too many places to go..too many things to get done
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