The "Why Do" Game!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
must be the itching powder I left in your sleeping bag (reverting to an old episode of the Brady Bunch)

Why do clouds rain the day after you go to the car wash?
Really ? It rains the very same day you wash your car here. If it's not the rain it's the birds. And it's cause of the simple fact that you washed your car.

Why is it no matter what color bubble bath you buy the bubbles are still always white ?
Would YOU want to be thrown into a pit of acid? Its just trying to hang on as long as possible.

Why do leaves fall off trees?
for the same reason that the weak get weaker and the strong get stronger.
( wanted to give you karma for the dpression answer..but I have to spread some around first)

Why do my chickens insist on pooping on the deck instead of the the grass???
Cuz the toys weren't on their wish list. (I soooo wanted to answer differently...dang those PG rules!)

Why do birds suddenly appear? Everytime you are near?
cuz, I always have a bag of bird seed.

Why do clowns scare so many people?
Because it's like looking in a mirror.

Why do wolves bay at the moon?
Because they can't sing "By the light of the silvery moon"

why do dogs want to come in when they are OUT but want
to go out as soon as they come in?
Because, dog gone it, they can't make up their minds.

Why is the grass always greener on the other side?
See above question about dogs and you have your answer.

Why do dogs have owners and cats have staff?
Because it's impossible to "own" a cat. We are owned by the cats. The only way to live with this reality is to surrender to it and find bliss in being "owned."

Why is the sky blue?
so you can identify the business end in the dark.

why does your voice sound different when you hear a recording of yourself?
because you hear it from a distance, and with some echo....?

Why did they decide to pickle the cucumber... and then the onion?

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