This is my Persian Pizza

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Assistant Cook
Apr 7, 2024

Persian pizza is an excellent and different Iranian pizza that is prepared with special sauce and delicious toppings such as seasoned ground meat, sausage, bell pepper and tomato.
Welcome to DC. Why not let us all know what makes this Persian, and what do you use for a crust?
minced meat350 grams
Pizza cheese350 grams
Tomato1 medium
Mushrooms400 grams
oniona half
Black pepper, thyme and paprikaas needed
Bell pepper1 small
I used yeast, white flour, sugar, salt and a little milk for the dough. I used tomato paste, sugar, salt and thyme for the sauce.
In the future, I will post a recipe for Persian pizza
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Persian pizza is an excellent and different Iranian pizza that is prepared with special sauce and delicious toppings such as seasoned ground meat, sausage, bell pepper and tomato.

I had a neighbor for about ten years who was Persian. He introduced me to Persian food. I liked some of it, but didn't like some of it... as one should expect. He never mentioned Persian pizza.

Cancer got him, so I can't ask him about it. It looks like any other pizza, with perhaps a different crust. Looks tasty.

Ask me any questions you have
I am the last person on the planet to die, don't worry
really tasty

My Persian neighbor used to make this chopped salad that was really good, but I don't remember what it was called. I believe it had cucumbers in it. Do you know what it is? I'd like to find a recipe and make some.

There as food blog called "linsfood" who does middle eastern recipes. I'm sure I've seen a cucumber salad from her.
You should learn Iranian and Middle Eastern cuisine from people who live there and have experience like me, not those who quote those foods.
Check out "mealscook" and learn and enjoy other Middle Eastern cuisines there
You should learn Iranian and Middle Eastern cuisine from people who live there and have experience like me, not those who quote those foods.
Check out "mealscook" and learn and enjoy other Middle Eastern cuisines there

I was really just hoping that you would have some idea what that Persian chopped salad was. I really don't want to waste a lot of time searching random food blogs.

I was really just hoping that you would have some idea what that Persian chopped salad was. I really don't want to waste a lot of time searching random food blogs.

That salad is called Shirazi salad
The combination of cucumber, tomato and sliced onion with salt and a little lemon juice
I was really just hoping that you would have some idea what that Persian chopped salad was. I really don't want to waste a lot of time searching random food blogs.

I apologize for answering late, I did not see the question
This is my Persian rug!

Seriously though, I have made khoresh-efesenjān (chicken stew), kukune sabzi (vegetable casserole), and tah dig (Persian rice), for some Armenian friends, all of whom enjoyed, but I would be open to making other traditional Persian recipes if you could provide them. I also had a girl friend whose father was Palestinian, so I have enjoyed and been taught several other middle eastern dishes.
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