Thursday Aug. 7th....what's for dinner?

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Cheryl J

Chef Extraordinaire
Jun 4, 2012
Grilled shrimp, red bell pepper, and onion 'kabobs. Just took the shrimp out to clean and marinate in a little olive oil and garlic. Grilled garlic bread on the side.

What's on everyone's menu today? :chef:
Tonight's dinner is going to be simple. Burgers on the grill with bacon, cheese and tomato.
A spag carbonara (but cheating).

Bought some fresh egg spaghetti (reduced) and a carton of fresh carbonara sauce, reduced (I know...I never normally do this but was tempted). To the sauce I added slow grilled/dried small plum tomatoes, some dry cured bacon grilled and cut into strips and some chopped spring onion. Oh and a raw organic egg, folded in once the sauce was done - off the heat. Very acceptable.
Cool here so I'm making a TATTRAT inspired boiled dinner with kielbasa,cabbage, carrots, onions and a cabbage salad on the side.
I have a meeting tonight so I'm doing an easy meal. I'm going to sauté some onion, garlic, and bell peppers, then add a jar of Alfredo sauce. Then I'll boil and add a package of shrimp and crab ravioli I picked up at BJ's the other day. Garlic bread on the side.
New York Strip
Brussels Sprouts

Still gotta cook em. :rolleyes:

Dr. Pepper to wash it down. :yum:


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The rain didn't move out by early afternoon as predicted, and I couldn't decide if it would be clear or not by dinnertime. Switched tonight's plan with tomorrow's and made bratwurst and sauerkraut with a side of mashed potatoes. Tomorrow should be better weather.
Chicken Korma

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Karen roasted the unused section of pork butt from our Korean meal. She also made leek flans. We had a cherry/port sauce with the pork.

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