Trivia 9/3

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 9/3
The deadliest hurricane on record is the 1970 Bhola Cyclone in Bangladesh,
which killed between 300,000 people.

1. Terry Jacks scored a One-Hit Wonder in 1974 : do you remember what the
title was ?
( Hint ; “We had joy, we had fun ...” )
2. Whose image is on the 2 dollar bill?
3. During what war was the 'Star Spangled Banner' written?
4. Name the Baltic States...
5. Which two "Golden Girls" also co-starred in "Maude"?
( Choose two ; Bea Arthur, Betty White, Rue McClanahan, Estelle Getty)
6. Henry II (1154-1189) is mostly famous for having an Archbishop murdered.
What was the name of the Archbishop?
7. What does the suffix -ectomy mean ?
8. Which Archangel will lead the battle against Satan, according to the Book
of Revelation?
a. - Gabriel
b. - Michael
c. - Raphael
d. - Gaspar

A Horologist studies time.
1. "Seasons In The Sun"
2. Thomas Jefferson
3. War of 1812
4. Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania
5. Bea Arthur, Rue McClanahan
6. Thomas à Becket
7. Removal
8. - b

The term originates from Greek mythology where the Horae were the goddesses
of time and seasons. Hence, horology is the study of time. The word "hour"
also derives from the same root word. .
trivia 9/4

trivia 9/4
Certain types of food can create at least quick boosts of happiness. Foods
like milk, chicken, and nuts contain tryptophan, which increases the
production of serotonin, a chemical linked to feelings of calm and

1. Which American President killed a man in a duel with pistols?
2. Name That Flick !
1995 - A photographer (Clint Eastwood)for National Geographic and a married
woman engage in a brief extra-marital affair.
3. "Half a league, half a league, half a league onward..." are the opening
lines of which 1854 narrative poem?
4. What is the English translation for the Spanish word 'Coche'?
a. - Kitchen
b. - Coat
c. - Car
d. - Drink
5. If I mention "36 Black & 52 White", to what am I referring ?
6. Herbert Buckingham Khaury is the real name of which singer?
a. - Sting
b. - Alice Cooper
c. - Bono
d. - Tiny Tim
7. Who killed Alexander Hamilton?
8. What is the oldest national park in the USA?

in Uzbekistan, Bread is considered sacred, and it is traditionally never cut
with a knife .
1. Andrew Jackson
2. The Bridges of Madison County
3. The Charge of the Light Brigade
4. - c
5. Piano Keys
6. - d
7. Aaron Burr
8. Yellowstone

Throughout Uzbekistan, non (bread) is never cut with a knife: It is torn by
hand, lending a special meaning to the ancient tradition of “breaking bread”
with family, neighbors or strangers.

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