Vegetables in sweet fruit milk shakes?

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Sous Chef
Aug 29, 2006
I find that carrots, avacados and beets go well in fruit milk shakes even though they are not fruits.
Do u know of any other vegetables which go well in fruit milk shakes.

Beets are sweet, so that explains that! However, Avocados are fruits, not vegetables. I think there is a higher sugar content than is expected, plus the texture is simply awesome. Some folks even use avocados in ice cream!
Mel! et al,
Carrots also have high sugar content, so they mix well with fruits in smoothies specially.
I also like celery and tomatoes.

Relative to advocados, not so many people eats them as dessert in USA.
An advocado cut in quarters, sprinkled with lemon and sugar is a very common desert in Brazil.
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MY friend from Brazil makes avocado milk shakes with avocados, milk and sugar. I can see the texture of the avocado adding a creamyness ( if thats a word) but In my mind sweet and avocados dont belong together ( personal preference)

Thanks very much everybody for the ideas.
I will try them all. I got a blender for Christmas so I want to make lots and lots of shakes and smoothies with it. The ones I have made so far are delicious.:)

How do the carrots fair with a smoothie? Wouldn't they make it a crunchie/smoothie? All the above combos sound dee-lish! I'm game to try the avocado one. I've only eaten avocados in guacamole or sliced up with lemon, s/p & EVOO.
My new blender broke. So no more shakes for me until I get a new one. :(
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