Wed. Jan. 13, 2016 Dinner?

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
I am seriously considering making guacamole for dinner tonight. To be scooped with tortilla chips.

We had leftover chicken and baked potatoes for lunch, so don't want to see that again so soon.

What are you making?
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B/S thighs marinated in buttermilk, cayenne, garlic powder, paprika, S and P. Dredge made from flour and same spices. Swiss chard sauteed with butter and olive oil, and a touch of vinegar and pepper jelly at the end of cooking. Stone ground grits with cream cheese and parm. Pepper jelly around the outside.


We both really liked this. The swiss chard with the touch of vinegar and pepper jelly (hot sweet and sour) was really good.
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Had to go in to the office today (planned), so it was stuffed red peppers part two (the sequel, aka leftovers), mashed potatoes, and steamed cauliflower.
Lovely food, Medtran!

DH picked us up an Arby's roast beef and a fish sandwich. Both surprisingly good. We haven't had Arby's in years.
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I've been rendering fat from, 10 lbs. of bacon end pieces, in a big cast-iron pot (via the oven) while simultaneously cooking pinto beans on the stove. When they were both done, the strained grease and bacon were stored away and the drained beans were put into the greased pot, with other things, to be made into baked beans.

We ended up having baked pinto beans, breaded pork chops and greens.
Nice looking plates, medtran and Cheryl!

We had some old tortilla chips I wanted to use up, so I made taco salads. Salad when it's only 21 outside and we can't warm up inside? Yup, because I added lots more seasonings to the meat than the "measure" called for. Spicy enough to think about a bottle of beer to chase it. Almost. ;)


  • 2016-01-13 21.17.50.jpg
    2016-01-13 21.17.50.jpg
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Ooh, purty plate there too CG! Any season is taco salad season, IMO.

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